owners manual Tesla X
owners manual Tesla X - year of production: 2015 - Tesla X owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Tesla X, year of production 2015:
Cleaning the Interior Seat Belts
Frequently inspect and clean the interior toExtend the belts to wipe. Do not use any type
maintain its appearance and to preventof detergent or chemical cleaning agent.
premature wear. If possible, immediately wipeAllow the belts to dry naturally while
up spills and remove marks. For generalextended, preferably away from direct
cleaning, wipe interior surfaces using a softsunlight.
cloth (such as micro iber) dampened with a
mixture of warm water and mild non-Tesla Built-In Rear Facing Child Seats
detergent cleaner (test all cleaners on aVacuum the seats to remove any loose dirt.
concealed area before use). To avoid streaks,Wipe the seats with a soft cloth dampened
dry immediately with a soft lint-free cloth.with warm water. You can also use an
upholstery cleaner designed for automotive
Interior Glass use. Extend the belts to wipe. Allow the belts
Do not scrape, or use any abrasive cleaningto dry naturally, preferably away from direct
luid on glass or mirrored surfaces. This cansunlight.
damage the relective surface of the mirror
and the heating elements in the rear window.Touchscreen and Instrument Panel
Clean the touchscreen and instrument panel
Airbags using a soft lint-free cloth speciically
Do not allow any substance to enter an airbagdesigned to clean monitors and displays. Do
cover. This could afect correct operation.not use cleaners (such as a glass cleaner) and
do not use a wet wipe or a dry statically-
Dashboard and Plastic Surfacescharged cloth (such as a recently washed
microiber). To wipe the touchscreen without
Do not polish the upper surfaces of theactivating buttons and changing settings, you
dashboard. Polished surfaces are relectivecan enable clean mode. Touch Controls >
and could interfere with your driving view.Displays > Clean Mode. The display darkens to
make it easy to see dust and smudges.
Leather Seats
Leather is prone to dye-transfer which canChrome and Metal Surfaces
cause discoloration, particularly on lightPolish, abrasive cleaners or hard cloths can
colored leather. White and tan leather isdamage the inish on chrome and metal
coated with an anti-soiling treatment. Wipesurfaces.
spills as soon as possible using a soft cloth
moistened with warm water and non-Cautions for Interior Cleaning
detergent soap. Wipe gently in a circularWarning: If you notice any damage on an
motion. Then wipe dry using a soft, lint-freeairbag or seat belt, contact Tesla
cloth. Using detergents or commerciallyimmediately.
available leather cleaners and conditioners is
not recommended because they can discolorWarning: Do not allow any water,
or dry out the leather. cleaners, or fabric to enter a seat belt
Cloth Seats Caution: Using solvents (including
Wipe spills as soon as possible using a softalcohol), bleach, citrus, naphtha, or
cloth moistened with warm water and non-silicone-based products or additives on
detergent soap. Wipe gently in a circularinterior components can cause damage.
motion. Then wipe dry using a soft, lint-free
cloth. Vacuum the seats as needed to remove
any loose dirt.
Avoid over-wetting carpets. For heavily soiled
areas, use a diluted upholstery cleaner.
Maintenance 143
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year of production from: 2015
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