owners manual Peugeot 4007
owners manual Peugeot 4007 - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Peugeot 4007 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 4007, year of production 2007 - 2012:
C harging the battery using a When charging the battery, it is B efore disconnecting the battery
battery charger normal to observe an increase Wait 2 minutes after switching off the igni-
Disconnect the battery from the ve-in temperature and bubbling of tion before disconnecting the battery.
hicle. the electrolyte. Close the windows, the sunroof, the
Remove the battery and place it in a doors and the tailgate before disconnect-
ventilated area. ing the battery.
Remove the top-up caps and top up The batteries contain harmful
the level with distilled water if nec-substances such as sulphuric
essary. acid and lead. They must be
disposed of in accordance with
Connect the battery to the charger regulations and must not, in any
observing the instructions for use circumstances, be discarded
provided by the manufacturer and with household waste.
start charging. Take used remote control bat- F ollowing reconnection
Disconnect the battery from the teries and vehicle batteries to a of the battery
charger and let it to cool. special collection point. Following reconnection of the battery,
If necessary, top up the level with switch on the ignition and wait 1 minute
distilled water. before starting to permit initialisation of
Clean the top of the battery care- It is advisable to disconnect the the electronic systems. However, if slight
fully. battery if the vehicle is to be left diffi culties are encountered following this
Put the top-up caps back in place. unused for more than one month. operation, contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
Check that the terminals and con- Referring to the corresponding section,
nectors are clean. If they are covered you must yourself reinitialise:
with sulphate (whitish or greenish - the one-touch electric windows,
deposit), remove them and clean Do not disconnect the terminals - the sunroof,
them. while the engine is running. - the satellite navigation system. 9
Reconnect the battery starting with Do not charge the batteries with-
the positive terminal (+). out disconnecting the terminals
fi rst.
Avoid prolonged contact of the
electrolyte with the skin.
Most of these fl uids are harmful
to health and very corrosive.

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year of production from: 2007

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Peugeot 4007 owners manual
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