owners manual Toyota Camry
owners manual Toyota Camry - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Camry VI 6 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Camry, year of production 2001 - 2006:
’05Camry_U (L/O 0409)
Using your audio system—
—Some basics
This section describes some of the basicSWITCHING BETWEEN FUNCTIONS How to subscribe:
features on Toyota audio systems. SomePush “AM”, “FM1”, “FM2”, “FM1·2”, “FM”, You must enter into a separate service
information may not pertain to your sys- ∗ agreement with the XM radio in order to
tem. “SAT” , “TAPE”, “CD” or “DISC” if the sys-receive satellite oadcbrast programming in
tem is already on but you want to switch the vehicle. Additional activation and ser-
Your audio system works when the ignitionfrom one function to another. vice subscription fees apply that are not
key is in the “ACC” or “ON” position. ∗: Use of satellite radioequi r res XM tunerincluded in the purchase price of the ve-
TURNING THE SYSTEM ON AND OFF and service. Contact your Toyota deal-hicle and optional digital satllitee tuner.
Push “PWR·VOL” to turn the audio system er for details. For complete information on subscription
on and off. LISTENING TO THE XM SATELLITE rates and terms, or to subscribe to the
Push “AM”, “FM1”, “FM2”, “FM1·2”, “FM”, RADIO BROADCAST (type 3) XM radio, visit XM on the web at
∗ www.xmradio.com or call an XM’s Listener
“SAT” , “TAPE”, “CD” or “DISC” to turn on To listen to a satellite raoadcdio brast inCare at (800) 852-9696. The XM radio is
that function without pushing “PWR·VOL”.your vehicle, an additional genuine Toyotasolely responsible for the quality, availabil-
satellite receiver and anennat (or equiva-
You can turn on each player by inserting ity and content of the satellite radio ser-
a cassette tape or compact disc. lents) must be purchased and installed. A vices provided, which are subject to the
subscription to the XM satellite radio ser-
You can turn off each player by ejecting terms and conditions of the XM radio cus-
vice is also necessary. tomer service agreement.
the cassette tape or compact disc. If the
audio system was previously off, then theHow to subscribe to an XM satellite
entire audio system will be turned offradio Customers should have their radio ID
ready; the radio ID can be found by tun-
when you eject the cassette tape or com- An XM satellite radio is auner t designeding to “channel 000” on the radio. For
pact disc. If the another function was pre-exclusively to receive broadcasts provideddetails, see “Displaying the radio ID” be-
viously playing, it will come on again.under a separate subscription. Availabilitylow.
∗: Use of satellite radioequi rres XM tuneris limited to the 48 contiguous states.All fees and programming are the respon-
and service. Contact your Toyota deal- sibility of the XM satellite radio and are
er for details. subject to change.
2005 CAMRY from Sep. ’04 Prod. (OM33684U)

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year of production from: 2001

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