owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
The vehicle clearance lines are wider thanO When the temperature is extremelycoloration. To clean the camera, wipe
theactualclearance. high or low, the screen may not clearlywith a cloth dampened with diluted
ADJUSTINGTHESCREEN display objects. This is not a malfunc-mild cleaning agent and then wipe with
tion. adrycloth.
To adjust the quality of the screen, refer toO When strong light directly enters the O Donotdamagethecameraasthemoni-
HOW TO USE THE “SETTING” BUTTON incamera, objects may not be displayedtor screen may be adversely affected.
this section. clearly. O Do not use body wax on the camera
DonotadjusttheBrightness,Contrast,TintO Verticallinesmaybeseeninobjectsonwindow. Wipe off any wax with a clean
andColoroftherearviewmonitorwhilethethe screen. This is due to strong re-cloth dampenedwithmilddetergentdi-
vehicle is moving. Make sure the parkingflected light from the bumper. This isluted with water.
brake is firmly applied and the engine isnotamalfunction.
notrunning. O The screen may flicker under fluores-
OPERATINGTIPS centlight. This is not a malfunction.
O Whentheselectorlever is shifted to R,O The colors of objects on the rear view
themonitorscreenautomaticallymonitor may differ somewhat from
However,theradiocanbeheard.O Whenthecontrast of objects is low at
O It may take some time until the rearnight, pushing the “ENTER” button may
view monitor is displayed after the se-notchangethebrightness.
lector lever has been shifted to R. Ob-O Objectsonthemonitormaynotbeclear
jects may be distorted momentarilyin a dark place or at night.
until the rear view monitor screen isO If dirt, rain or snow attaches to the
displayed completely. When the se-camera, the rear view monitor may not
lector lever is returned to a positionclearly display objects. Clean the
other than R, it may take some time un-camera.
til the screen changes. Objects on the
screen may be distorted until they are O Do not use alcohol, benzine or thinner
completelydisplayed. tocleanthecamera.Thiswillcausedis-
Monitor,climate,audioandvoice-activatedcontrolsystems 4-11

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
pages 140 - 146
Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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