owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2000 - 2006:
● When towing automatic transmission CAUTION Automatic Transmission
modelswiththefrontwheelsontowing● Towchains or cables must be attached
dollies, or when towing manual trans-only to the main structural members ofCAUTION
mission models with the front wheelsthe vehicle. ● DO NOT tow any automatic transmis-
ontheground: sion vehicle with all four wheels on the
● Turn the ignition key to the OFF posi-● Pulling devices should be routed soground (flat towing). Doing so WILL
tion, and secure the steering wheel inthey do not touch any part of the sus-DAMAGE internal transmission parts
a straight-ahead position with a ropepension, steering, brake or coolingduetolackoftransmissionlubrication.
or similar device. Never secure thesystems.
steering wheel by turning the ignition● Always pull the cable straight out from● Foremergencytowingproceduresrefer
key to the LOCK position. This maythe front or rear of the vehicle. Neverto “Towing Recommended by Nissan”
damagethesteeringlockmechanism.pull the vehicle at an angle.earlier in this chapter.
● Move the gearshift lever to the N● PullingdevicessuchasropesorcanvasTo tow a vehicle equipped with an automatic
(Neutral) position. straps are not recommended for use intransmission, an appropriate vehicle dolly MUST
vehicle towing or recovery.be placed under the towed vehicle’s drive
● Whentowingautomaticormanualtrans- wheels. Always follow the dolly manufacturer’s
mission models with the rear wheels onFLATTOWING recommendations when using their product.
the ground (if you do not use towing dol- Manual Transmission
lies): Always release the parking brake.Towing your vehicle with all four wheels on the
VEHICLERECOVERY(freeingastuckground is sometimes called flat towing. This● Always tow with the manual transmission in
vehicle) behind a recreational vehicle, such as a motor
home. ● After towing 500 miles, start and idle the en-
WARNING gine with the transmission in Neutral for two
CAUTION minutes. Failure to idle the engine after every
● Stand clear of a stuck vehicle.● Failure to follow these guidelines can500milesoftowingmaycausedamagetothe
● Donotspinyourtiresathighspeed.Thisresult in severe transmission damage.transmission’s internal parts.
could cause them to explode and result● Whenever flat towing your vehicle, al-
in serious injury. Parts of your vehicle
could also overheat and be damaged.waystowforward, never backward.
6-12 Incaseofemergency
ZREVIEWCOPY:—2003Sentra (b15)
Owners Manual (owners) —USA English (nna)

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual
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