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owners manual Alfa Romeo 159

owners manual Alfa Romeo 159 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Alfa Romeo 159 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (4.75 MB) 338 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 159, year of production 2005 - 2011:
001-045 Alfa 159 GB 8-04-2009 10:48 Pagina 13 The electronic key fig. 7 is fitted with a metal insert A, that can be extracted AND by pressing button B. CONTROLS The metal insert operates the following: DASHBOARD ❒central door locking/unlocking through the driver's door lock (with SAFETY DEVICES run-down car battery only the driver's door will open); fig. 7 A0E0022m fig. 8 A0E0021m ❒windows opening/closing; ❒switch (for versions/markets, where IMPORTANT Never expose the elec- Replacing the battery of the CORRECT USE OF THE CAR tronic key to direct sunlight: risk of dam- electronic key provided) for deactivating the pas- ages. If when pressing button Ë, Á, or `, senger’s air bag and knees air bag IMPORTANT Remote control fre- control given is refused or failing, the (for versions/markets, where pro- RNING LIGHTS A AND MESSAGES quency may be disturbed by radio trans- W vided); battery should be replaced with an ❒safe-lock device (for versions/mar- missions outside the car (e.g. mobileequivalent one that can be purchased at kets, where provided); phones, hams, etc…). In this event re- common stores. IN AN mote control may be failing. To be sure that the battery is to be re- EMERGENCY ❒emergency unlocking of electronic placed, try again to press buttons Ë, key from ignition switch. Á, or `with another electronic key. WARNING CAR When closing the tailgate again, pro- Never leave the elec- MAINTENANCE tection sensors are restored and direc- tronic key unattended tion indicators will flash once. TIONS to prevent anyone, especially children, from holding it and TECHNICAL pressing button B-fig. 7 inad- SPECIFICA vertently. INDEX 13
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year of production from: 2005

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