owners manual Chevrolet Astro
owners manual Chevrolet Astro - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Chevrolet Astro II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Astro, year of production 1995 - 2005:
To increase or decrease the temperature for the entireWarning lights and gages can signal that something is
vehicle, use the center knob located on the mainwrong before it becomes serious enough to cause
climate control panel. an expensive repair or replacement. Paying attention
The air conditioning system on the main climate controlto your warning lights and gages could also save you or
panel must be turned on to direct cooled air to theothers from injury.
rear of the vehicle. If it is not on, then the temperatureWarning lights come on when there may be or is a
in the rear of the vehicle will remain at cabinproblem with one of your vehicle’s functions. As you
temperature. will see in the details on the next few pages, some
Be sure to keep the area under the front seats clear ofwarning lights come on briefly when you start the engine
any objects so that the air inside of your vehicle canjust to let you know they’re working. If you are familiar
circulate effectively. with this section, you should not be alarmed when
For information on how to use the main climate controlthis happens.
system, see Climate Control System on page 3-19.Gages can indicate when there may be or is a problem
For information on ventilation, see Outlet Adjustmentwith one of your vehicle’s functions. Often gages
on page 3-21. and warning lights work together to let you know when
there’s a problem with your vehicle.
Warning Lights, Gages, and Whenoneofthewarninglightscomesonandstayson
Indicators there may be a problem, check the section that tells
This part describes the warning lights and gages thatadvice. Waiting to do repairs can be costly – and even
may be on your vehicle. The pictures will help youdangerous.Sopleasegettoknowyourwarninglights
locate them. andgages.They’reabighelp.

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year of production from: 1995

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