owners manual Saab 9-3
owners manual Saab 9-3 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Saab 9 3 II 2 YS3F owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Saab 9-3, year of production 2002 - 2011:
Interior equipment137
The transmitter should face the mirror antenna wire is attached to the motor-Gate Operator / Canadian Programming
from below or left side of the mirror.head unit.Canadian radio-frequency laws require
4 Simultaneously press and hold both the 8 Firmly press and release the "learn" or transmitter signals to "time-out" (or quit)
chosen and hand-held transmitter "smart" button. (The name and color of after several seconds of transmission -
buttons. Do not release the buttons the button may vary by manufacturer.)which may not be long enough for the
until step 5 has been completed.Note: There are 30 seconds in which to ini-garage opener to pick up the signal during
Note: Some gate operators and garage tiate step nine.programming. Similar to this Canadian law,
door openers may require you to replace 9 Return to the vehicle and firmly press, some U.S. gate operators are designed to
this Programming Step 4 with procedures hold for two seconds and release the "time-out" in the same manner.
noted in the "Gate Operator / Canadian Pro-programmed button. Repeat the If you live in Canada or you are having diffi-
gramming" section. "press/hold/release" sequence a culties programming a gate operator by
5 After the indicator light changes from a second time, and, depending on the using the "Programming" procedures
slow to a rapidly blinking light, release brand of the garage door opener (or (regardless of where you live), replace
both the mirror and hand-held transmit-other rolling code equipped device), "Programming " step 4 with the following:
ter buttons. repeat this sequence a third time to Note: If programming a garage door opener
6 Press and hold the just-trained button complete the programming process.or gate operator, it is advised to unplug the
and observe the indicator light.The garage opener should now activate device during the "cycling" process to pre-
If the indicator light stays on your rolling code equipped device. vent possible overheating.
constantly, programming is Note: To program the remaining two but-4 Continue to press and hold the button
complete and your device should acti-tons, begin with "Programming" - step while you press and release - every two
vate when the button is pressed and three. Do not repeat step two. seconds ("cycle") your hand-held transmit-
released. ter until the frequency signal has success-
Note: To program the remaining two but- fully been accepted by the garage opener.
tons, begin with "Programming" - step (The indicator light will flash slowly and then
three. Do not repeat step two. rapidly.)
If the indicator light blinks rapidly for two Proceed with "Programming" step five to
seconds and then turns to a constant complete.
light continue with "Programming"
steps 7-9 to complete the programming of NOTICE
a rolling code equipped device (most com-
monly a garage door opener). Switch off the power supply to the garage
7 At the garage door opener receiver door or gate (or park the car beyond the
(motor-head unit) in the garage, locate range of the remote control) while
the "learn" or "smart" button. This can programming using the "cycling" method
usually be found where the hanging to prevent damaging the electrical motor.

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year of production from: 2002

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