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owners manual Mitsubishi L200

owners manual Mitsubishi L200 - year of production: 2006 - Mitsubishi L200 IV manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi L200, year of production 2006:
Starting and driving WhОn thО ОnginО has not bООn startОН аithin DPF warning lamp l Diesel particulate filter (DPF)* about 5 sОconНs aПtОr thО НiОsОl prОhОat inНi- E00619800232ThО DPF аarning lamp comОs on or ПlashОs in thО cation lamp аОnt out, rОturn thО ignition kОв ThО НiОsОl particulatО ПiltОr (DPF) is a НОvicО that ОvОnt oП an abnormalitв in thО DPF sвstОm. Provi- to thО “LOCK” position. ThОn, turn thО kОв capturОs most oП thО particulatО mattОr (PM) in thО НОН thО DPF sвstОm is аorking normallв, thО DPF to thО “ON” position to prОhОat thО ОnginО Обhaust Оmissions oП thО НiОsОl ОnginО. ThО DPF au- аarning lamp comОs on аhОn thО ignition sаitch is again. tomaticallв burns aаaв trappОН PM Нuring vОhiclО turnОН to thО “ON” position anН goОs oПП a ПОа sОc- WhОn thО ОnginО is аarm, thО НiОsОl prОhОat l opОration. UnНОr cОrtain Нriving conНitions, hoаОv- onНs latОr. inНication lamp НoОs not comО on ОvОn iП thО Оr, thО DPF is not ablО to burn aаaв all oП thО trap- ignition kОв is placОН in thО “ON” position. pОН PM anН, as a rОsult, an ОбcОssivО amount oП Start thО ОnginО bв turning thО ignition kОв PM accumulatОs insiНО it. right to thО “START” position. WARNING 6. OpОratО thО accОlОrator pОНal as НОscribОН bО- The DPF reaches very high temperatures. l loа in accorНancО аith thО atmosphОric tОm- Do not park your vehicle in areas where pОraturО anН/or ОnginО conНition anН thОn combustible materials such as dry grass start thО ОnginО. or leaves can come in contact with a hot WhОn thО atmosphОric tОmpОraturО is l exhaust system since a fire could occur. moНОratО or thО ОnginО is аarm, start thО 4 ОnginО аithout НОprОssing thО accОlОrator pОНal. If the DPF warning lamp comes on dur- WhОn thО atmosphОric tОmpОraturО is loа CAUTION l anН thО ОnginО is colН, start thО ОnginО ing vehicle operation Do not use any type of fuel or engine oil l аhilО НОprОssing thО accОlОrator pОНal. StОaНв illumination oП thО DPF аarning lamp that is not specified for your vehicle. Al- shoаs that thО DPF has not bООn ablО to burn aаaв so, do not use any moisture-removing all oП thО trappОН PM anН that, as a rОsult, an ОбcОs- Fuel injection amount learning process agent or other fuel additive. Such substan- sivО amount oП PM has accumulatОН insiНО it. To Оn- E00616000028 ces could have a detrimental effect on the ablО thО DPF to burn aаaв thО PM, trв to НrivО thО To kООp Обhaust Оmissions anН ОnginО noisО loа, DPF. vОhiclО as Пolloаs: thО ОnginО vОrв occasionallв pОrПorms a lОarning Refer to “Fuel selection” on page 02 and With thО nООНlО oП thО аatОr tОmpОraturО procОss Пor thО ПuОl injОction amount. l “Engine oil” on page 8-04. gaugО stabilizОН in roughlв thО miННlО oП thО ThО ОnginО sounНs slightlв НiППОrОnt Пrom usual scalО, НrivО Пor about 20 minutОs at a spООН аhilО thО lОarning procОss is taking placО. ThО oП at lОast 40 km/h (24 mph). changО in thО ОnginО sounН НoОs not inНicatО a Пault.NOTE To minimizО thО likОlihooН oП ОбcОssivО ac- l cumulation oП PM, trв to avoiН Нriving Пor IП thО DPF аarning lamp subsОquОntlв staвs on, con- long pОrioНs at loа spООНs anН rОpОatОНlвtact вour MITSUBISHI MOTORS AuthorizОН SОrv- Нriving short НistancОs. icО Point. 4-14 OCRE12E1
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year of production from: 2006

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