owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
136 Windshield wipers
For this reason, you should always switch offReplacing the wiper blades
the windshield wipers in dry weather.
Important safety notes
If the windshield wipers begin to move while
Always switch off the windshield wipers and
ignition before changing the wiper blades.
rs1$Windshieldwiperoff sure that you touch only the wiper arm of the
i to low sensitivity) !Neveropenthehoodifawindshieldwiper
w 3ÅIntermittentwipe,high(rainsensor armhasbeenfoldedawayfromthewind-
d set to high sensitivity) shield.
l 4°Continuouswipe,slow Hold the windshield wiper arm firmly when
5¯Continuouswipe,fast youchangethewiperblade.Ifyoureleasethe
B íSinglewipe/îtowipethewind- windshield wiper arm without a wiper blade
ndshieshield using washer fluid anditfallsontothewindshield,thewindshield
i maybedamagedbytheforceoftheimpact.
w XSwitchonthepowersupplywiththeStart/Mercedes-Benz recommends that you have
Stop button or the SmartKey ( the wiper blades changed at a qualified spe-
andXTurnthecombinationswitch to the corre-cialist workshop.
sponding position.
In the ÄorÅposition,theappropriate!Alwayspositionthewindshield wiper arms
ghtswiping frequency is set automatically accordingvertically before folding them away from the
i windshield. By doing so, you will avoid dam-
L to the intensity of the rain. In the Å position,age to the hood.
the rain sensor is more sensitive than in
the Äposition,causingthewindshield wip-
ers to wipe more frequently. Replacing the wiper blades (standard
Vehicles with MAGIC VISION CONTROL: thewindshield wipers)
fluid is emitted directly from the blades.tion
Vehicles with MAGIC VISION CONTROL: if youOnvehicleswithoutKEYLESS-GO:
push and hold the combination switch beyondXTurntheSmartKeytoposition0intheignition
the point of resistance in the direction of arrowlock (
briefly push and hold the combination switchXSetthewindshieldwipertothe°position.
arrow B, the automatic wash program is acti-lock (
vated. Ypage162).
If the wiper blades are worn, the windshield willXAssoonasthewiperarmsareverticaltothe
nolongerbewipedproperly.Thiscouldpreventhood, turn the SmartKey to position 0 in the
you from observing the traffic conditions.ignition lock (Y page 162).
until you feel them snap into place.
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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