owners manual Hummer H2
owners manual Hummer H2 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Hummer H2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hummer H2, year of production 2002 - 2010:
Express-Open/Close Sunroof Anti-Pinch Protection Feature
The sunroof has a feature which allows the sunroofIf something gets caught between the glass panel and
panel to be opened or closed without continuouslyroof frame while the sunroof is closing, the glass
pressing the switch. The express-open can be stoppedpanel will stop and open half way, and the deflector will
at any time by pushing the front of the switch araise fully.
second time. If something gets caught between the glass panel and
The sunroof has four positions:the roof frame during the tilt down operation, the
• Comfortopenstop:Toopenthesunroofandglass panel will stop and open fully.
sunshade,presstherearoftheswitchquicklyandIf the sunroof panel receives a strong impact, the
release. The glass panel will open to an interimanti-pinch protection feature may work even if nothing
position that reduces wind noise. For information ongets caught between the glass panel and roof frame.
using the sunshade, see “Sunshade Operation” later.Donot to leave the sunroof open for long periods of time
• Fullopenstop:Toopenthesunrooffurther,pressas debris may collect in the tracks.
the rear of the switch quickly once more.Sunshade Operation
• Expressclose:Toclosethesunroof,pressthefront
of the switch quickly and release.The sunshade will open automatically when opening
• Vent:Theventpositionallowstherearofthesunroofthe sunroof.
to be opened and tilted upward. With the sunroof inHowever, it can manually be pulled shut after the
the fully closed position, press and hold the front ofsunroof is closed. To adjust the sunshade, push it
the switch until the sunroof reaches the desired ventbackward or pull it forward to the desired position. The
position or until it stops moving. To close the sunroofsunshade cannot be adjusted further than the current
fromtheventposition, press and hold the rear of theclosed position of the sunroof.
switch until the sunroof is fully closed.Notice: If you force the sunshade forward of the
Do not leave the sunroof open for long periods of timesliding glass panel, damage will occur and the
as debris may collect in the tracks.sunroof may not open or close properly. Always
close the glass panel before closing the sunshade.

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year of production from: 2002

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Hummer H2 owners manual
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