owners manual Toyota Celica
owners manual Toyota Celica - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Celica VII 7 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Celica, year of production 1999 - 2006:
’03MY CELICA U (L/O 0208)
Engine exhaust cautions
NOTICE If the engine becomes difficult to CAUTION
start or stalls frequently, take your
A large amount of unburned gases
flowing into the three–way catalyticvehicle in for a check–up as pos-Avoid inhaling the engine exhaust.
converter may cause it to overheatsible. Remember, your Toyota dealerIt contains carbon monoxide, which
and create a fire hazard. To preventknows your vehicle and its three– is a colorless and odorless gas. It
this and other damage, observe theway catalytic converter system best.can cause unconsciousness or even
following precautions: To ensure that the three–way cata-death.
Use only unleaded gasoline. lytic converter and the entire emis-Make sure the exhaust system has
sion control system operate proper-no holes or loose connections. The
Do not drive with an extremely lowly, your vehicle must receive thesystem should be checked from
fuel level; running out of fuel couldperiodic inspections required by thetime to time. If you hit something,
cause the engine to misfire, creat-Toyota Maintenance Schedule. Foror notice a change in the sound of
ing an excessive load on the three–scheduled maintenance information,the exhaust, have the system
way catalytic converter.
refer to the “Scheduled Maintenancechecked immediately.
Guide” or “Owner’s Manual Supple-
Do not allow the engine to run at Do not run the engine in a garage
idle speed for more than 20 min-ment”. or enclosed area except for the
utes. time needed to drive the vehicle in
Avoid racing the engine. or out. The exhaust gases cannot
Do not push–start or pull–start your escape, making this a particularly
vehicle. dangerous situation.
Do not turn off the ignition while Do not remain for a long time in a
the vehicle is moving. parked vehicle with the engine run-
Keep your engine in good running ning. If it is unavoidable, however,
order. Malfunctions in the engine do so only in an unconfined area
electrical system, electronic ignition and adjust the heating or cooling
system/distributor ignition system system to force outside air into the
or fuel system could cause an ex- vehicle.
tremely high three–way catalytic
converter temperature.
2003 CELICA from Aug. ’02 Prod. (OM20809U)

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year of production from: 1999

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