owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
mechanically, the time period from whenFalse alarms
anti-tow system will only be activated once
s ntil the key is inserted
the door i opened u
all the doors are closed (including the rear
Interior monitoring will only operate correctly
into the contact should not exceed 15 sec-
if the vehicle is completely closed. Please ob-
onds, otherwise the alarm will be triggered.
serve related legal requirements.
– Press the button on the remote control
twice. The volumetric sensor and tilt sen-The following cases may cause a false alarm:Deactivating the vehicle interior moni-
sors will be deactivated. The alarm system
● toring and anti-tow systems*
Open windows (partially or fully),
remains activated.
●Movement of objects inside the vehicle,
When the vehicle is locked, the alarm will be
such as loose papers, items hanging from
The vehicle interior monitoring and the anti-
triggered if movements are detected in the
the rear vision mirror (air fresheners), etc.
tow system are automatically switched on
interior (e.g. by animals) or if the vehicle's in-
again next time the vehicle is locked.
clination is changed (e.g. during transport).
You can prevent the alarm from being trig-
The vehicle interior monitoring and anti-tow
● If the vehicle is relocked and the alarm is
gered accidentally by switching off the vehi-
sensor (tilt sensor) are automatically switch-
activated without the volumetric sensor func-
cle interior monitoring and/or tow-away pro-
ed on when the anti-theft alarm is switched
tion, relocking will activate the alarm with all
on. In order to activate it, all the doors and
its functions, except the volumetric sensor.
the rear lid must be closed.
– To switch off the interior monitoring and
This function is reactivated when the alarm is
switched on again, unless it is deliberatelytow-away protection, switch off the ignition
If you wish to switch off the vehicle interior
switched off. and, using the Infotainment system, select:
monitoring and the anti-tow system, it must
button > SETTINGS function button >
be done each time that the vehicle is locked;● If the alarm has been triggered by the volu-
g and c
Openin losing > Central locking >
if not, they will be automatically switched on.metric sensor, this will be indicated by a
flashing of the warning lamp on the driverSwitch off alarm.
The vehicle interior monitoring and the anti-
door when the vehicle is opened. The flash is
– When the vehicle is locked now, the vehicle
tow system should be switched off if animals
different to the flash indicating the alarm is
interior monitoring and the tow-away pro-
are left inside the locked vehicle (otherwise,
tection are switched off until the next time
their movements will trigger the alarm) or
● The vibration of a mobile phone left inside
the door is opened.
when, for example, the vehicle is transported
the vehicle may cause the vehicle interior
or has to be towed with only one axle on the
monitoring alarm to trigger, as both sensors
If the anti-theft security system (Safelock)*
react to movements and shakes inside the ve-
››› page 127 is switched off, the vehicle interi-
or monitoring and the tow-away protection
● If on activating the alarm, any door or the
are automatically switched off.
rear lid is open, only the alarm will be activa-
ted. The vehicle interior monitoring and the
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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