owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
134 Windshield wipers
dle =into lower section :.
Windshield wipers
Switching the windshield wiper
whenthewindshield is dry, as this could1$Windshieldwiperoff
damagethewiperblades. Moreover, dust2ÄIntermittentwipe,low(rainsensor
s that has collected on the windshield canset to low sensitivity)
er scratchtheglassifwipingtakesplacewhen3ÅIntermittentwipe,high(rainsensor
wipthe windshield is dry. set to high sensitivity)
If it is necessarytoswitchonthewindshield4°Continuouswipe,slow
wipers in dry weather conditions, always
use washer fluid when operating the wind-5¯Continuouswipe,fast
hieldshield wipers. B íSinglewipe
s îTowipewithwasherfluid
!Ifthewindshieldwipers leave smears on
windthe windshield after the vehicle has beenXSwitchontheignition.
washedinanautomaticcarwash,waxor XTurnthecombination switch to the corre-
andother residues may be the reason for this.sponding position.
Clean the windshield using washer fluidVehicles with a rain sensor: in the Ä or
after washing the vehicle in an automaticÅposition,theappropriatewipingfre-
Lightscar wash. quency is automatically set according to the
!Intermittent wiping with rain sensor: dueintensity of the rain. In the Å position, the
to optical influences and the windshieldrainsensorismoresensitivethanintheÄ
becoming dirty in dry weather conditions,position,causingthewindshieldwipertowipe
the windshield wipers may be activatedmorefrequently.
inadvertently. This could then damage theIf the wiper blades are worn, the windshield
windshield wiper blades or scratch thewill no longer be wiped properly. This could
windshield. prevent you from observing the traffic condi-
For this reason, you should always switchtions.
off the windshield wipers in dry weather.

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