owners manual Alfa Romeo Brara
owners manual Alfa Romeo Brara - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Alfa Romeo Brara Spider owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo Brara, year of production 2005 - 2010:
All control, repair and replacement op-
IMPORTANTWhen the airbag in- WARNING
flates it emits a small amount of dusts.erations concerning the air bags mustNever rest head, arms
AND These dusts are harmless and is not theonly be carried out c/o Alfa Romeo
DASHBOARDCONTROLSbeginning of a fire; then the unfold cush-Authorized Services.and elbows on the
ion surface and the car interiors can be door, on the windows and in
If you are having the car scrapped, havethe window bag unfolding
covered by a dusty remains: this dust
the air bag system deactivated at Alfa
SAFETYDEVICEScan irritate skin and eyes. In case of con-area to prevent possible in-
Romeo Authorized Services first. If thejuries during the inflation
tact, wash yourself using neutral soap
car changes ownership, the new own-
and water. phase.
er must be informed of the method of
use of air bags and the above warnings
Expiration dates of pyrotechnic charge
CORRECT USEOF THE CARand coil contact are indicated on the la-and also be given this “Owner Hand-
bel located on the door. As this date ap-book”.
proaches, contact Alfa Romeo Autho-
RNING IMPORTANTThe triggering of pre-
A rized Services to have the devices re- WARNING
WLIGHTS AND MESSAGESplaced. tensioners, front air bags and side bags
is decided in a differentiated manner ac-Never lean head, arms
IMPORTANT Should an accident oc-cording to the type of impact. The fail-and elbows out of the
IN AN cur in which any of the safety devices isure to deploy one or more of them doeswindow.
EMERGENCY not mean that the system is not work-
activated, take the car to Alfa Romeo
Authorized Services to have the devicesing properly.
activated replaced and to have the sys-
CAR tem checked.

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year of production from: 2005

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Alfa Romeo Brara Spider owners manual
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Alfa Romeo Brara Spider owners manual
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