owners manual Opel Astra
owners manual Opel Astra - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Manual Opel Astra J EN
pdf (10.31 MB) 329 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Astra, year of production 2009 - 2015:
Instruments and controls133
■ Park assist / Collision detectionPrevent doorlock while door open:■ Automatic mode: The display
Activates or deactivates thechanges mode when the vehicle
Park assist: Activates or
automatic door locking functionlights are switched on/off.
deactivates the ultrasonic parking
while a door is open.
assist. ■ Rear view camera: Changes the
■ Lock / Unlock / Start by remotesettings for the rear view camera.
Auto collision preparation:
Changes or activates/deactivatesRemote unlock feedback: Activates■ Picture frame: See description for
settings for adaptive cruise control,or deactivates the hazard warningInfotainment system in the
forward collision alert and collisionflasher feedback whilst unlocking.Infotainment system manual.
imminent braking system.
Remote door unlock: Changes the
Side blind zone alert: Changes theconfiguration to unlock only the
settings for the side blind spot alertdriver's door or the whole vehicle
system. whilst unlocking.
■ Exterior ambient lightingAuto relock doors: Activates or
deactivates the automatic relock
Duration upon exit of vehicle:
function after unlocking without
Activates or deactivates and
opening the vehicle.
changes the duration of exit
lighting. ■ Restore factory settings
Exterior lighting by unlocking:Restore factory settings: Resets all
Activates or deactivates thesettings to the default settings.
welcome lighting.
Display settings
■ Power door locks
Selectable display settings:
Auto door lock: Activates or
■ Day mode: Optimisation for
deactivates the automatic door
daylight conditions.
unlocking function after switching
■ Night mode: Optimisation for
off ignition. Activates or deactivates
the automatic door locking function
after driving off.

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year of production from: 2009

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Manual Opel Astra J
pages 132 - 138
Manual Opel Astra J
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