owners manual Honda CR-V
owners manual Honda CR-V - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Honda CR V III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Honda CR-V, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Main Menu Table Of Contents
ToDefogandDefrost ToRemoveExteriorFrost orIce ToTurnEverythingOff
Toremovefogfromtheinsideof the FromtheWindows Turningthefanspeedcontroldialall
windows: 1. Select . The system thewaytotheleftshutsthesystem
1. Set the fan to the desired speed, or automatically switches to fresh air off.
high for faster defrosting. modeandturnsontheA/C.
2. Select . The system TheA/Cindicatordoesnot come Keepthesystemoff forshort
automatically switches to fresh air onif it was off to start with. periods only.
modeandturnsontheA/C.The 2. Select .
A/Cindicator will not come on if it 3. Set the fan and temperature Tokeepstaleairandmustiness
wasoff tostart with. controls to maximumlevel. fromcollecting, you should have
3. Adjust the temperature sothe the fan running at all times.
airflow feels warm. Toclearthewindowsfaster,youcan
4. Select / to help close the dashboard corner vents by
clear the rear window. rotating the wheelbelow eachvent.
5. To increase airflow to the Thissendsmorewarmairtothe
windshield, close the corner vents. windshield defroster vents. Once the
windshield is clear, select fresh air
Whenyouswitchto , from modetoavoidfoggingthewindows.
or , the A/C stays on.
This helps prevent the windows from Foryoursafety,makesureyouhave
rapidly fogging up when the air is a clear view through all the windows
suddenly routed away from the before driving.
windshield. If you want to turn the
button twice. The indicator in the
2009 CR- V
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year of production from: 2006
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Honda CR V III 3 owners manual
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