owners manual BMW 3 E36
owners manual BMW 3 E36 - year of production: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 - BMW 3 E36 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW 3 E36, year of production 1990 - 2000:
132 Caring for your car
Exterior finish extending beneath the finish, starting at Caring for the vehicle finish
To provide effective corrosion protec- the point of impact. As a precaution against damage result-
tion, multilayer paintwork is applied at Road dirt, tar spots, dead insects, ani-ing from exposure to aggressive sub-
the factory. Cataphoretic immersion mal droppings (strong alkali effect) and stances, we recommend that you wash
priming techniques are supplemented tree excretions (resins and pollen) all the car weekly when it is used in an
using special body-cavity protectants, contain substances capable of causing area with high levels of air pollution or
with the application of specially-devel-damage when allowed to remain on aggressive natural substances (tree
oped and extensively tested materials. your car's finish for any period of time resin, pollen).
The entire underbody is sprayed with a (spots, etching, flaking, separation in Remove particularly aggressive sub-
flexible PVC layer before final compre-the top coat). stances immediately in order to prevent
hensive application of a wax-based In industrial areas, deposits from fly ash, changes to, and discoloration of, the
protectant. lime, oily soot, sulphur dioxide in pre-paint. Such substances are e.g., gaso-
Regular maintenance makes an impor- cipitation (acid rain) and other environ-line spilled during refueling, oil, grease,
tant contribution to maintaining the mental pollutants will damage the car's brake fluid and bird droppings.
safety and value of your vehicle. surface (usually limited to the external Any contamination remaining on the
Increasing awareness of the effects of horizontal surfaces) unless adequate surface of the vehicle will be especially
harmful environmental factors on vehi- protection is provided. conspicuous after washing. Use clean-
cle finishes have led paint and vehicle In coastal regions, high levels of atmo-ing fluid or alcohol with a clean cloth or
manufacturers to initiate ongoing pro- spheric salt and humidity promote cor- cotton pad to remove. You can use tar
grams designed to further improve the rosion. remover to remove any spots on the fin-
durability of their finishes. Despite the In tropical zones, temperatures of over ish of the vehicle, but should never
high quality of the resulting products, 100 5F (approx. 406) in the shade pre-apply it or any other aggressive
local and regional factors can still have vail, in addition to heavy ultraviolet radi-cleanser to lenses or headlamp covers.
a negative effect on your car's paint- ation and high humidity. Under those These areas should then be waxed to
work. These should guide you in deter- circumstances, light-colored paints maintain protection.
mining the frequency and extent of your reach temperatures of up to 175 5F
efforts to maintain the vehicle finish.(approx. 806) and dark paints up to bA full range of car-care products is
Depending upon material and type of 250 5F (approx. 1206). available from your BMW Retailer.c
impact (perforation of paint layer), phys-
ical stresses from sand, road salt,
gravel, etc. can cause corrosion to start
Online Edition for Part No. 01 41 9 790 377 - © 07/98 BMW AG
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year of production from: 1990
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BMW 3 E36 owners manual
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