owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Volvo XC60 I 1 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2013 - 2017:
03 Your driving environment
Geartronic: Sport mode (S) Geartronic: starting on slippery
This transmission mode provides sportier surfaces
shifting characteristics and enables a more Selecting 3rd gear in Geartronic’s manual
active driving style by making it possible to shifting mode can help provide better traction
drive at higher rpm in each gear before shift- when starting off on slippery surfaces. To do
ing up. The engine also responds faster when so:
03 the accelerator pedal is pressed.
1. Depress the brake pedal and move the
To access Sport mode from Drive (D), move gear selector to the side from D toward
the gear selector to the left. The transmission +S–.
will not switch to manual shifting mode until
2. Press the gear selector forward and
the gear selector is moved forward or rear-
release it (this selects 2nd gear). Press
ward toward + or –.
Steering-wheel mounted gear shift paddles the selector forward again and release it
Sport mode can be selected any time. to select 3rd gear. The optional steering
"–": Shift down to a lower gear.
wheel paddles can also be used; see the
"+": Shift up to a higher gear. previous section "Geartronic: steering
wheel paddles."
In order to shift gears with the paddles, they • On vehicles equipped with Sport
3. Release the brake pedal and press gently
have to first be activated. The gear selector mode, the transmission symbol in the
on the accelerator pedal.
can remain in the D position. main instrument panel will change
from D to S when the gear selector is
To activate the paddles:
moved to the manual shifting mode. If
Pull either paddle toward the steering the gear selector is moved toward "+"
wheel and release it; the D in the instru- or "-", the number of the gear currently
ment panel will change to the number of being used will be displayed, see
the gear currently being used. page 79).
To shift gears: • Please be aware that using Sport
mode may result in a slight decrease in
• Pull the paddle toward the steering wheel
fuel economy. Driving in D can help
and release it.
improve fuel economy.
Certain models only

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year of production from: 2013

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Volvo XC60 I 1 FL owners manual
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