owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
Keys and doors/Rear gate2-37
from approximately 12 in (30 cm) oryou cannot close it by pressing the
more from the completely closed posi-powerreargatebuttononthereargate.
tion. To close it, press the other power rear
. Before closing the rear gate in stepgate button or close it manually.
4, it is possible to register the height
many times through step 3. Therefore,! Reverse function
the registered height can easily be fine-
tuned. WARNING
Retrieval of the rear gate height:. Do not let parts of your body be
To open the rear gate and stop it at thecaught intentionally to operate
registered height, perform the followingthe reverse function. If the re-
procedure. verse function does not operate
Power rear gate button on the inside edge1. Press the memory switch to select thefor somereason,this mayleadto
of the rear gate ONstatus. serious injury or accidents.
3. With the rear gate at the desired2. Press and hold any of the power rear. The reverse function may not
height, press and hold the power reargate switches. operate if foreign objects are
gate button on the inside edge of the rear caught in the rear gate just
gate until an electronic chirp is heard andEven if any of the power rear gatebefore it closes completely. Be
the hazard warning flashers flash threeswitches are pressed and held while thecareful not to catch your fingers
times. The electronic chirp and the flash-memory switch is in the OFF status, youand other body parts.
ing hazard warning flashers confirm thecan stop it at the registered height by. The reverse function may not
selected rear gate height has been regis-pressing the memory switch to select theoperate depending on the object
tered. ON status before the rear gate reachesshapeandthemannerinwhichit
4. Close the rear gate manually (withoutthe registered height.was caught. Be careful not to
using the power rear gate). NOTE catch your fingers and other
body parts.
. The rear gate will open to the
NOTE position that is stored in the memory
. To change the registered height, function even if the rear gate is opened
by the reverse function.
perform the registering procedure
again. . If the rear gate is opened manually
. It is possible to register the heightwhile the memory function is activated,

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year of production from: 2012

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