owners manual BMW M5 E60
owners manual BMW M5 E60 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - BMW M5 E60 M Power owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW M5 E60, year of production 2005 - 2010:
volume, avoiding excessive emphasis and 1.Wait for the system to request the destina-
pauses. tion.
1.Spell town/city name: 2.Say the name of the destination.
Say at least the first three letters of the The system can suggest up to 6 destina-
destination. The more letters you say, tions that match your entries.
the more exactly the system recognizes
the town/city.
The system can suggest up to 20 destina-
tions that match your entries. Up to
6entries are displayed at once on the Con-
trol Display.
Destination entry
A destination is suggested by the system.
3.Select town/city:
> Select highlighted town/city: {Yes}
> Select other town/city: {No}
> Select entry, e.g. {Entry 3}
A destination is suggested by the system.> To reenter the town/city: {Repeat}
2.Select town/city: > To enter the town/city by spelling:
> Select highlighted town/city: {Yes}{Spell}
> Select other town/city: {No}The town/city can also be selected from the list
> Select entry, e.g. {Entry 3}via iDrive:
> To show other entries in the list: Turn the controller until the destination is
{Next page} selected and press the controller.
> To respell the town/city: {Repeat}Destinations that sound the same which
The town/city can also be selected from the list cannot be differentiated by the system
via iDrive: are summarized in a separate list and shown as
Turn the controller until the destination is a destination followed by three dots.
selected and press the controller.Select this entry with {Yes} if necessary. Then
select the desired town/city from this list.<
Entering the destination as an entire Entering street and house number
word* The street is entered in the same way as the
Towns/cities and streets located in the region destination.
where the language of the voice command sys-To enter the house number:
tem is spoken can be entered as an entire word.
Example: to enter a US destination as an entire 1.{House number}
word, the system language must be English.2.Say the house number.
Speak smoothly and at normal volume, avoiding Up to 4-digit house numbers can be entered.
excessive emphasis and pauses.Say the house number as individual numbers.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 600 738 - © 08/08 BMW AG

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year of production from: 2005

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BMW M5 E60 M Power owners manual
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