owners manual Jeep Grand Cherokee
owners manual Jeep Grand Cherokee - year of production: 2013 - Jeep Grand Cherokee WK2 WH2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Grand Cherokee, year of production 2013:
• Clean the ParkSense sensors regularly,WARNING!WARNING! (Continued)
taking care not to scratch or damage
them. The sensors must not be covered•Drivers must be careful when backing upon its size and shape, giving a false indi-
with ice, snow, slush, mud, dirt or debris.even when using ParkSense. Alwayscation that an obstacle is behind the ve-
Failure to do so can result in the systemcheck carefully behind your vehicle, lookhicle.
notworkingproperly.TheParkSensesys-behind you, and be sure to check for
tem might not detect an obstacle behindpedestrians, animals, other vehicles, ob-
the fascia/bumper, or it could provide astructions, and blind spots before backingCAUTION!
false indication that an obstacle is behindup. You are responsible for safety and•ParkSense is only a parking aid and it is
the fascia/bumper. must continue to pay attention to yourunabletorecognizeeveryobstacle,includ-
• Use the ParkSense switch to turn thesurroundings. Failure to do so can result ining small obstacles. Parking curbs might
ParkSensesystemOFFifobjectssuchasserious injury or death.be temporarily detected or not detected at
bicycle carriers, trailer hitches, etc. are•Before using ParkSense, it is strongly rec-all. Obstacles located above or below the
placed within 12 in (30 cm) from the rearommended that the ball mount and hitchsensorswill not be detected when they are
fascia/bumper. Failure to do so can resultball assembly is disconnected from thein close proximity.
in the system misinterpreting a close ob-
ject as a sensor problem, causing thevehicle when the vehicle is not used for•The vehicle must be driven slowly when
“PARKSENSE UNAVAILABLE SERVICEtowing. Failure to do so can result in injuryusing ParkSense in order to be able to
REQUIRED” message to be displayed inor damage to vehicles or obstacles be-stop in time when an obstacle is detected.
the DID. cause the hitch ball will be much closer toIt is recommended that the driver looks
• ParkSense should be disabled when thethe obstacle than the rear fascia when theoverhis/hershoulderwhenusing
liftgate is in the open position and theloudspeaker sounds the continuous tone.ParkSense.
vehicle is in REVERSE. An open liftgateAlso, the sensors could detect the ball
could provide a false indication that anmount and hitch ball assembly, depending
obstacle is behind the vehicle.

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year of production from: 2013

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Jeep Grand Cherokee WK2 WH2 owners manual
pages 128 - 134
Jeep Grand Cherokee WK2 WH2 owners manual
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