owners manual Chevrolet Suburban
owners manual Chevrolet Suburban - year of production: 2015 - Chevrolet GMC Suburban XI 11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Suburban, year of production 2015:
Chevrolet Tahoe/Suburban Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/
Mexico-9159366) - 2016 - crc - 5/20/15
130 Instruments and Controls
If the ignition is put in OFF while the.Turn the band up to a higher INTIf zAUTOisonwhentheignition
wipers are performing wipes due tosetting for more sensitivity tois turned on, or if the ignition is in
windshield washing or Rainsense,moisture. ON/RUNandthez FRONTband
the wipers continue to run until they.Turn the band down to the loweris in one of the sensitivity settings
reach the base of the windshield.INTsetting for less sensitivity towhenzAUTOisturnedonoroff,
Rainsense™ moisture. a message may display indicating if
With Rainsense, a sensor near theMovethebandoutofthe3INTRainsense was turned on or off.
top center of the windshield detectsposition to deactivate Rainsense. z
the amount of water on the If the ignition is in ON/RUN and
windshield and controls the FRONTisnotinoneofthe
frequency of the windshield wiper. sensitivity settings whenz AUTO
Keepthis area of the windshield is turned on, a message may
clear of debris to allow for best display indicating that the wiper
system performance. band must be in one of the
sensitivity settings for Rainsense to
3INT(RainsenseWipe operate.
Sensitivity) :Turn the z FRONTzAUTO(RainsenseOn/Off): Wiper Arm Assembly Protection
band on the wiper lever to adjust thePress to turn Rainsense on or off.Whenusinganautomaticcar wash,
sensitivity when Rainsense isWhenturnedonandz FRONTis movethewindshield wiper lever to
turned on. in one of the Rainsense wipeOFF. This disables the automatic
sensitivity positions, the wipers canRainsense windshield wipers.
be adjusted for more or lessWith Rainsense, if the transmission
sensitivity to moisture by adjustingis in N (Neutral) and the vehicle
the INT position. When turned off,speed is very slow, the wipers may
the wipers operate as timedautomatically stop at the base of the
intermittent wipers and can bewindshield.
adjusted for more or less frequent

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