owners manual Tesla X
owners manual Tesla X - year of production: 2015 - Tesla X owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Tesla X, year of production 2015:
Charging Instructions
Changing Charge Settings 3. Location-speciic schedule. With Model X
in Park, set a speciic time when you want
The charge settings screen displays on theModel X to begin charging at the current
touchscreen whenever the charge port door islocation. If, at the scheduled time, Model X
open. is not plugged in at the location, it will
To display charge settings at any time, touchstart charging as soon as you plug it in as
the Battery icon on the top of the long as you are plugging it in within six
touchscreen, or touch Controls > Charginghours of the scheduled time. If you plug in
(located in the upper right portion of theafter six hours, Model X does not start
Controls screen). charging until the scheduled time on the
next day. To override this setting, touch
Note: The following illustration is provided forStart Charging or Stop Charging (see
demonstration purposes only and may varyitem 4). When you set a scheduled
slightly depending on the software versioncharging time, Model X displays the set
and market region of your Model X. time on the instrument panel and the
4. Touch to open the charge port door or to
start (or stop) charging.
5. The current automatically sets to the
maximum current available from the
attached charge cable, unless it was
previously reduced to a lower level.
If needed, touch the up/down arrows to
change the current (for example, you may
want to reduce the current if you are
concerned about overloading a domestic
wiring circuit shared by other equipment).
It is not possible to set the charging
current to a level that exceeds the
maximum available from the attached
charge cable.
When you change the current, Model X
remembers the location. So if you
1. Charge status messages (such as subsequently charge at the same location,
Charging Scheduled, Charging In you do not need to change it again.
Progress) display here. Note: If Model X automatically reduced a
2. To adjust the charge limit, touch Setcharging location's current because of
Charge Limit, then drag the slider bar. Youfluctuations in input power (see the note
can charge to any level from 50% to 100%in Charging Status on page 131), Tesla
based on your driving needs. The settingrecommends charging at the lower
you choose applies to both immediate andcurrent until the underlying problem is
scheduled charging sessions. resolved and the charging location can
provide consistent power.
130 Model X Owner's Manual
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