owners manual Honda Jazz
owners manual Honda Jazz - year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - Honda Jazz III 3 Fit II manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Honda Jazz, year of production 2008 - 2013:
Playing a Disc (Models without navigation system)
SCAN-ThescanfunctionsamplesIn MP3/WMAmode ToStopPlayingaDisc
all the tracks on the disc in the orderFOLDER-SCAN-Thisfeature,Press the eject button ()to
they are recorded on the disc (allwhenactivated, samples the first fileremovethedisc.If you eject the disc,
files in the selected folder in MP3 orin each folder on the disc in thebut do not remove it from the slot,
WMAmode).Toactivatethescan order they are recorded. To activatethe system will automatically reload
feature, press the SCAN button. Youthe folder scan feature, press theit after 10 seconds and put it in pause
will see ‘‘ SCAN ’’ in the display. YouSCANbuttonrepeatedly.Youwillmode.Tobeginplaying,pressthe
will get a 10 second sampling of eachsee ‘‘ F-SCAN ’’ in the display. TheCDbutton.Features
track/file in the disc/folder. Presssystemwill then play the first file inPress the FM/AMbuttontoswitch
andholdtheSCANbuttontogetoutthe main folders for about 10to the radio while a disc is playing.
of scan mode and play the last trackseconds. If you do nothing, thePress the CD button to play the disc.
sampled. systemwill then play the following
first files for 10 seconds each. WhenIf you turn the system off while a disc
the system samples the first file of allis playing, either with the power ()
folders, F-SCAN is cancelled, and thebutton or by turning off the ignition
systemplays normally. switch, the disc will stay in the drive.
EachtimeyoupresstheSCAN the disc will begin playing where it
button, the mode changes fromleft off.
track/file scan to folder scan, then toProtecting Discs
normalplaying. Forinformation on how to handle
andprotect compact discs, see page
2009 Fit 127
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Honda Jazz III 3 Fit II manual
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