owners manual Ford Fiesta
owners manual Ford Fiesta - year of production: 2008 - Ford Fiesta VII 7 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Ford Fiesta, year of production 2008:
Warranty on Replacement Parts DATA RECORDING
Genuine Ford and Motorcraft replacement Service Data Recording
parts are the only replacement parts that
benefit from a Ford Warranty. Damage Service data recorders in your vehicle are
caused to your vehicle as a result of the capable of collecting and storing
failure of non-Ford parts may not be diagnostic information about your vehicle.
covered by the Ford Warranty. For This potentially includes information about
additional information, refer to the terms the performance or status of various
and conditions of the Ford Warranty. systems and modules in the vehicle, such
as engine, throttle, steering or brake
MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS systems. In order to properly diagnose and
EQUIPMENT service your vehicle, Ford Motor Company,
Ford of Canada, and service and repair
Using mobile communications equipment facilities may access or share among them
is becoming increasingly important in the vehicle diagnostic information received
conduct of business and personal affairs. through a direct connection to your vehicle
However, you must not compromise your when diagnosing or servicing your vehicle.
own or others’ safety when using such Additionally, when your vehicle is in for
equipment. Mobile communications can service or repair, Ford Motor Company,
enhance personal safety and security when Ford of Canada, and service and repair
appropriately used, particularly in facilities may access or share among them
emergency situations. Safety must be data for vehicle improvement purposes.
paramount when using mobile For U.S. only (if equipped), if you choose
communications equipment to avoid to use the SYNC Vehicle Health Report,
negating these benefits. Mobile you consent that certain diagnostic
communication equipment includes, but information may also be accessed
is not limited to, cellular phones, pagers, electronically by Ford Motor Company and
portable email devices, text messaging Ford authorized service facilities, and that
devices and portable two-way radios. the diagnostic information may be used
for any purpose. See SYNC™ (page 257).
WARNING Event Data Recording
Driving while distracted can result in This vehicle is equipped with an event
loss of vehicle control, crash and data recorder. The main purpose of an
injury. We strongly recommend that event data recorder is to record, in
you use extreme caution when using any certain crash or near crash-like
device that may take your focus off the situations, such as an airbag
road. Your primary responsibility is the safe deployment or hitting a road obstacle;
operation of your vehicle. We recommend this data will assist in understanding
against the use of any hand-held device how a vehicle’s systems performed.
while driving and encourage the use of The event data recorder is designed to
voice-operated systems when possible. record data related to vehicle dynamics
Make sure you are aware of all applicable and safety systems for a short period
local laws that may affect the use of of time, typically 30 seconds or less.
electronic devices while driving.
Fiesta (CCT)
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year of production from: 2008
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Ford Fiesta VII 7 owners manual
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