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owners manual Peugeot 206

owners manual Peugeot 206 - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Peugeot 206 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (2.94 MB) 173 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 206, year of production 1998 - 2012:
62 YOUR 206 IN DETAIL 63 VOICE COMMANDS List of commands available - For navigation/guidance, say The voice commands make it pos-- For the radio, say "RADIO", then:"NAVIGATOR" or "GUIDANCE", sible to use pre-recorded words or "PREVIOUS"/"NEXT"/"MEMORY" +then: phrases to control a certain number 1.6/"AUTOSTORE"/"LIST" "STOP"/"RE-START"/"ADDRESS of functions of the RT3 GPS audio/- For the CD, say "CD PLAYER", BOOK" + DESCRIPTION/"ZOOM telephone. then: IN"/"ZOOM OUT"/"SHOW" + "PREVIOUS TRACK"/"NEXT "DESTINATION"/"SHOW" + Activation of the voice commandsTRACK"/"TRACK NUMBER" + "VEHICLE" Press the button on the end of the 1.20/"RANDOM"/"SCAN"/"LIST"- To change the permanent lights stalk to activate or deactivate - for the CD changer, say application, say "DISPLAY", then: this function. "CHANGER", then: "AUDIO"/"TELEPHONE"/ Example: to recall the radio station "PREVIOUS TRACK"/"NEXT "NAVIGATOR"/"TRIP stored on button 3, the key words TRACK"/"TRACK NUMBER" + COMPUTER"/"GUIDANCE" are: "Radio" "Memory" "3". 1.20/"PREVIOUS DISC"/"NEXT - To call someone recorded in the DISC"/"DISC NUMBER" + 1.5/ directory directly, say "CALL" + To use these key words, you must "RANDOM"/"SCAN"/"REPEAT"/ DESCRIPTION say the word "Radio", wait for the "LIST" - To be guided to the address audible conirmation signal, then - For the telephone, say of someone recorded in the say the word "Memory", wait for the "TELEPHONE", then: directory, say "GUIDE TO" + audible conirmation signal, then end "REDIAL"/"ADDRESS BOOK" + DESCRIPTION. with the word "3", wait for the audible DESCRIPTION/"SERVICES"/- Various: conirmation signal which will carry "SOUND BOX"/"VOICE "CANCEL"/"HELP"/"WHAT CAN out the action requested. MESSAGE" I SAY"/"STOP"/"DELETE"/"YES"/ Notes: - For the SMS text messages, say "NO"/"PREVIOUS"/"NEXT" - between two key words, a screen "SMS" or "MESSAGE" then: indicates the time remaining and "DISPLAY"/"READ" the key word recognised, - For the TMC RDS trafic - in the absence of any voice information, say "TRAFFIC-INFO" commands, this function will be then: switched off after approximately "DISPLAY"/"READ" ive seconds, - if a command is not understood, the system transmits "Pardon" and displays "Word not recog- nised" on the screen. Saying the phrase "Help" or "What can I say" displays all of the com- mands available on the screen. 14-06-2004 14-06-2004
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year of production from: 1998

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