owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
Features of your vehicle
Opening the fuel filler lid Closing the fuel filler lid
1.To install the cap, turn it clockwise
until it “clicks” once. This indicates
that the cap is securely tightened.
2. Close the fuel filler lid and push it
in lightly making sure that it is
securely closed.
There may be an intermittent noise
OCK047032 near the refueling hole while the
OCK047031L 1. Stop the engine. engine is idling if the fuel cap is not
closed securely. This occurs normal-
2.To open the fuel filler lid, push the
The fuel filler lid must be opened ly with the OBD system.
fuel filler lid opener button.
from inside the vehicle by pressing
the fuel filler lid opener button.3. Pull open the fuel filler lid (1). ✽✽ NOTICE
4.To remove the cap, turn the fuel
If the fuel filler lid does not open
filler cap (2) counterclockwise.When refueling on unlevel ground,
because ice has formed around it, the fuel gauge may not point to the F
5. Refuel as needed.
tap lightly or push on the lid to break position.
the ice and release the lid. Do not pry It is not a malfunction. If you move
on the lid. If necessary, spray around yourvehicle to a level ground, the fuel
the lid with an approved de-icer fluid gauge will move to the full position.
(do not use radiator anti-freeze) or
move the vehicle to a warm place
and allow the ice to melt.
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
pages 125 - 131
KIA Stinger owners manual
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