owners manual BMW X1 E84
owners manual BMW X1 E84 - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - BMW X1 E84 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X1 E84, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Seite 128
Driving tips Things to remember when driving
Ensure that the floor mats are securely fastened▷ Extended periods when the vehicle is not
again when they are returned after being reѪ used at all.
moved, such as for cleaning.◀
▷ Infrequent use of the brakes.
Corrosion occurs when the minimum pressure
Driving in wet conditions
that must be exerted by the pads during brake
When roads are wet or there is heavy rain, brieflyapplications to clean the discs is not reached.
exert gentle pressure on the brake pedal every
Should corrosion form on the brake discs, the
few miles.
brakes will tend to respond with a pulsating efѪ
Ensure that this action does not endanger otherfect that generally cannot be corrected.
road users.
Condensation under the parked vehicle
The heat generated in this process helps dry the
brake discs and pads. When using the automatic climate control, conѪ
densation water develops that exits underneath
In this way braking efficiency will be available
the vehicle.
when you need it.
Therefore, traces of condensed water under the
Hills vehicle are normal.
Drive long or steep downhill gradients in the gear
in which the least braking is required. Otherwise,
Driving on poor roads
the brake system may overheat, resulting in a
reduction in the brake system efficiency.
BMW X1 combines an all-wheel drive system
You can increase the engine's braking effect by
with the advantages of a normal passenger car.
shifting down, going all the way to first gear, if
Do not drive on unpaved terrain
Do not drive on unpaved terrain, as otherѪ
Downshifting in manual mode of the automatic
wise the vehicle may be damaged.◀
transmission, refer to page 63.
For your own safety and the safety of passenѪ
Avoid load on the brakes
gers and the vehicle, adhere to the following
Avoid placing excessive load on the brake
system. Light but consistent brake pressure can
▷ Familiarize yourself with the vehicle before
lead to high temperatures, brake wear and posѪ
driving; never take risks.
sibly even brake failure.◀
▷ Adjust speeds according to road conditions.
Do not drive in neutral
The steeper and rougher the road surface is,
Do not drive in neutral or with the enginethe lower the speed should be.
stopped, as doing so disables engine braking. In
▷ When driving on steep uphill and downhill
addition, steering and brake assist is unavailable
grades: the engine oil and coolant should be
with the engine stopped.◀
filled nearly to the MAX mark.
▷ Use Hill Descent Control HDC, refer to
Brake disc corrosion
page 96, on steep downhill grades.
Corrosion on the brake discs and contamination
▷ Watch for stones, holes, and other obstacles
on the brake pads are furthered by:
and drive around these where possible.
▷ Low mileage.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 914 595 - VI/12
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year of production from: 2009
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