owners manual Citroen C3
owners manual Citroen C3 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C3, year of production 2002 - 2009:
Some stations, when they are organised in You have to be in FM wave band.Certain stations offer the possibility of listen-
networks, broadcast regional programmes The station being listened to should indi-ing to a particular programme type, selected
at certain times of day, and national pro-cate via the RDS system that it broadcasts from a list (PTY).
grammes at other times. traffi c information. press for more than two seconds on but-
It is possible to search : Stations organised in a network (EON) ton I.
Either for a regional station only.have regional transmitters that send their Press on buttons J or M to scroll through and
Or across the whole network in order to own programmes: while you are listen-select the programme type you prefer, then
ing to one of these stations the system press on button L to validate your choice.
fi nd a different programme.will switch automatically to a station on
To activate/deactivate this function, proceed
as for Scanning of RDS stations.the network that is broadcasting traffi c SEARCHING FOR A STATION BROAD-
Note : You can stop listening to a message by
When this mode is activated, the system pressing button I.When you have chosen a programme type,
will remain tuned to one specifi c regional the list of corresponding stations appears on
station. SOUND VOLUME ADJUSTMENT FOR the display, press on buttons J or M to scroll
TRAFFIC INFORMATION down and select the station you want, then
ANNOUNCEMENTS) The sound volume for traffi c information
Some stations allow broadcasting, only operates separately from that for the rest QUITTING PTY MODE
in FM, of these messages thanks to the of the system, and can be adjusted inde-To quit “PTY” mode, select the function to
“TTTAAA” function. pendently. deactivate “PTY” in the list of the different
You can activate the “TTTAAA” function by press-Rotate button A while a traffi c information programme types.
ing on button I. This allows you, even though message is being broadcast.
you are listening to another audio source This volume adjustment is memorised.RADIO TEXT VIA CONTEXTUAL MENU
or to a radio programme not itself providing This function allows to view the information
traffi c messages, to receive traffi c infor- broadcast by the station, concerning the
mation fl ashes from an FM station which programme you are currently listening to.
broadcasts them. To activate/deactivate this function, proceed
While the messages are being broadcast as for Scanning of RDS stations.
the original source is paused and when
the messages have ended your radio will
automatically revert to the music programme
you were listening to.
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year of production from: 2002
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manual Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual
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