owners manual BMW X6M F16
owners manual BMW X6M F16 - year of production: 2014 - BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 127
Climate Controls
AUTO program Ventilation in rear
The AUTO program automatically
sets the air distribution toward the
upper body and in the footwell, as
well as the air flow rate. It also
adapts your instructions for the
temperature to outside influences throughout
the year.
1 Use the thumbwheels to smoothly open
Set the desired temperature indiѪ
and close the air vents
vidually on the left and right side.
2 Thumbwheels to adjust temperature in upѪ
per body region; can be adjusted sepaѪ
rately for left and right:
The automatic climate control achieves this
▷ Blue: colder
temperature as quickly as possible regardless
▷ Red: warmer
of the season, using maximum cooling or heatѪ
ing power if necessary, and then maintains it.3 Use the lever to change the direction of the
air flow
When switching between different temperaѪ
ture settings in rapid succession, the autoѪ
matic climate control does not have sufficient
time to adjust the set temperature.
Parked-car ventilation
Air volume, manual
The concept
The air flow rate can be varied by
The parked-car ventilation blows air into the
pressing on the corresponding side.
passenger compartment to lower interior temѪ
The automatic mode for the air flow rate can
be switched on again using the AUTO button.
The system can be switched on and off at any
external temperature, either directly or by usѪ
Switching off rear automatic climate ing a preset switch-on time. It remains
control switched on for 30 minutes.
Since the system uses a substantial amount of
With the blower at its lowest setting,
electrical current, refrain from activating it
press the left side of the button to
twice in succession without allowing the batѪ
switch off the automatic climate control.
tery to be recharged in normal operation beѪ
The automatic climate control can also be tween use.
switched off with iDrive. To switch on the autoѪ
Open the vents to allow air to flow out.
matic climate control again, the system must
They can be operated via iDrive.
first be reactivated, refer to Activating/deactiѪ
Switching on/off directly
The system is switched on again by pressing
1. "Settings"
any button of the rear automatic climate conѪ
trol. 2. "Climate"
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 910 899 - VII/13
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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