owners manual Mitsubishi L200
owners manual Mitsubishi L200 - year of production: 2006 - Mitsubishi L200 IV manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi L200, year of production 2006:
Starting and driving
Economical driving Driving, alcohol and drugs
E00600100620ThО highОr thО vОhiclО spООН, thО morО ПuОl con- E00600200012
For Оconomical Нriving, thОrО arО somО tОchnical rО- Driving aПtОr Нrinking alcohol is onО oП thО most ПrО-
sumОН. AvoiН Нriving at Пull spООН. EvОn a slight rО-
quirОmОnts that havО to bО mОt. ThО prОrОquisitО quОnt causОs oП acciНОnts.
lОasО oП thО accОlОrator pОНal аill savО a signiПicant
Пor loа ПuОl consumption is a propОrlв aНjustОН Оn- Your Нriving abilitв can bО sОriouslв impairОН ОvОn
amount oП ПuОl.
ginО. In orНОr to achiОvО longОr liПО oП thО vОhiclО аith blooН alcohol lОvОls Пar bОloа thО lОgal mini-
anН thО most Оconomical opОration, аО rОcommОnН mum. IП вou havО bООn Нrinking, Нon’t НrivО. RiНО
Tyre inflation pressure
вou to havО thО vОhiclО chОckОН at rОgular intОrvals аith a НОsignatОН non-Нrinking НrivОr, call a cab or
ChОck thО tвrО inПlation prОssurОs at rОgular intОr-
in accorНancО аith thО sОrvicО stanНarНs. a ПriОnН, or usО public transportation.
vals. Loа tвrО inПlation prОssurО incrОasОs roaН rО-
FuОl Оconomв anН gОnОration oП Обhaust gas anН Drinking coППОО or taking a colН shoаОr аill not
sistancО anН ПuОl consumption. In aННition, loа
noisО arО highlв inПluОncОН bв pОrsonal Нriving hab- makО вou sobОr.
tвrО prОssurОs aНvОrsОlв aППОct tвrО аОar anН Нriv-
its as аОll as thО particular opОrating conНitions. Similarlв, prОscription anН nonprОscription Нrugs aП-
ing stabilitв.
ThО Пolloаing points shoulН bО obsОrvОН in orНОr ПОct вour alОrtnОss, pОrcОption anН rОaction timО.
to minimizО аОar oП brakОs, tвrОs anН ОnginО as Consult аith вour Нoctor or pharmacist bОПorО Нriv-
аОll as to rОНucО ОnvironmОntal pollution. ing аhilО unНОr thО inПluОncО oП anв oП thОsО mОНi-
Do not НrivО аith unnОcОssarв articlОs in thО cargo
arОa. EspОciallв Нuring citв Нriving аhОrО ПrОquОnt
starting anН stopping is nОcОssarв, thО incrОasОН
AvoiН rapiН accОlОration anН suННОn starts; such op-
аОight oП thО vОhiclО аill grОatlв aППОct ПuОl con-
Оration аill rОsult in highОr ПuОl consumption. WARNING
Cold engine starting Your perceptions are less accurate, your
ShiПt onlв at an appropriatО spООН anН ОnginО
Starting oП a colН ОnginО consumОs morО ПuОl. reflexes are slower and your judgment is
spООН. Alаaвs usО thО highОst gОar possiblО.
UnnОcОssarв ПuОl consumption is also causОН bвimpaired.
ThО transПОr shiПt lОvОr shoulН bО sОt to “2H” аhОn
kООping a hot ОnginО running. AПtОr thО ОnginО is
Нriving 4WD vОhiclОs on normal roaНs anН ОбprОss
startОН, commОncО Нriving as soon as possiblО.
аaвs to obtain bОst possiblО ПuОl Оconomв.
Air conditioning*
City traffic
ThО usО oП thО air conНitioning аill incrОasО thО
FrОquОnt starting anН stopping incrОasОs thО avОr-
ПuОl consumption.
agО ПuОl consumption. UsО roaНs аith smooth traП-
Пic Пloа аhОnОvОr possiblО. WhОn Нriving on con-
gОstОН roaНs, avoiН usО oП a loа gОar at high Оn-
ginО spООНs.
ThО vОhiclО consumОs ПuОl ОvОn Нuring iНling.
AvoiН ОбtОnНОН iНling аhОnОvОr possiblО.
4-02 OCRE12E1

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year of production from: 2006

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Mitsubishi L200 IV manual
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