owners manual Hyundai Tucson
owners manual Hyundai Tucson - year of production: 2015 - Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Tucson, year of production 2015:
Convenient features of your vehicle
Operating HomeLink Flashing Electric chromic mirror (ECM)
® system,
To operate, simply press the pro- with HomeLink ®
compass and Blue Link
grammed HomeLink button.
Activation will now occur for the (for U.S.A)
trained product (garage door, securi- Your vehicle may be equipped with a
ty system, entry door lock, estate Gentex Automatic-Dimming Mirror
gate, or home or office lighting).For with a Z-Nav™ Electronic Compass
convenience, the hand-held trans- Display and an Integrated HomeLink®
mitter of the device may also be used Wireless Control System. During
at any time. The HomeLink Wireless nighttime driving, this feature will
Controls System (once programmed) automatically detect and reduce
or the original hand-held transmitter OHD046306N rearview mirror glare while the com-
may be used to activate the device pass indicates the direction the vehi-
Erasing programmed HomeLink ®
(e.g. garage door, entry door lock, cle is pointed. The HomeLink
etc.). In the event that there are still Universal Transceiver allows you to
To erase the three programmed but-
programming difficulties, contact activate your garage door(s), electric
tons (individual buttons cannot be
HomeLink at 1-800-355-3515 or on gate, home lighting, etc.
the internet at www.homelink.com.erased):
• Press and hold the left and center
buttons simultaneously, until the
indicator light begins to flash
(approximately 20 seconds).
Release both buttons. Do not hold
for longer than 30 seconds.
HomeLink is now in the train (or
learning) mode and can be pro-
grammed at any time.
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year of production from: 2015
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Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual
pages 123 - 129
Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual
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