owners manual Subaru Outback
owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2014 - Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2014:
Keys and doors/Alarm system2-27
Alarm system &Systemalarm operation The notifications regarding the map
The alarm system will give the followinglights, dome light and cargo area light
The alarm system helps to protect youralarms when triggered.(Outback) are deactivated as the fac-
vehicle and valuables from theft. The horn. The vehicle’s horn will sound for 30tory setting. A SUBARU dealer can
sounds and the hazard warning flashersseconds. activate the system. Contact your
flash if someone attempts to break into SUBARUdealer for details.
. The hazard warning flashers will flash
your vehicle. for 30 seconds.
&Activating and deactivating
For models with “keyless access withIf any of the doors (or the rear gate/trunkthe alarm system
push-button start system”: lid)remains open after the 30-second
The system can be armed or disarmedperiod, the horn will continue to soundTo change the setting of your vehicle’s
with the keyless access function or accessfor a maximum of 3 minutes. If the door (oralarm system for activation or deactiva-
key. the rear gate/trunk lid) is closed while thetion, do the following.
The system will not be activated when thehorn is sounding, the horn will stop 1. Disarm the alarm system. Refer to
push-button ignition switch is in the “ACC”soundingwithadelayofupto30seconds.“Disarming the system” F2-31.
or “ON” position. 2. Sit in the driver’s seat and shut all
The alarm is triggered by: doors (and the rear gate (Outback)).
For models without “keyless access. Opening any of the doors, rear gate or3. Turn the ignition switch to the “ON”
with push-button start system”:the trunk lid position.
The system can be armed and disarmed. Physical impact to the vehicle, such as4. Hold down the REAR (UNLOCK) side
with the remote transmitter. forced entry (only models with shockof the driver’s power door locking switch,
The system will not be activated when thesensors (dealer option))open the driver’s door within the following
key is inserted into the ignition switch.NOTE 1 second, and wait 10 seconds without
Your vehicle’s alarm system has been set releasing the switch. The setting will then
The alarm system can be set to triggerbe changed as follows:
for activation at the time of shipment fromthe illumination of the following interior
the factory. You can set the system forlights. If the system was previously activated:
deactivation yourself or have it done by. Maplights The odometer screen displays “ALOF”
your SUBARU dealer. . Dome light (illuminates only whenand the horn sounds twice, indicating that
the dome light switch is in the “DOOR”the system is now deactivated.
. Cargo area light (Outback)
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year of production from: 2014
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