owners manual Fiat Punto
owners manual Fiat Punto - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Fiat Punto II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Fiat Punto, year of production 1999 - 2011:
ACCESSORIES PURCHASED BY license seizing by traffic agents and also the lapse of
THE OWNER the warranty as concerns defects due to the
abovementioned modification or traceable back to itAND
If after buying the car, you decide to install electricaldirectly or indirectly.DASHBOARDCONTROLS
accessories that require a permanent electric supplyFiat Auto S.p.A. declines all responsibility for damages
(alarm, satellite antitheft system, etc.) or accessoriescaused by the installation of non-genuine accessories
that in any case burden the electric supply, contact Fiator not recommended by Fiat Auto S.p.A. and installed
Dealership, whose qualified personnel, besidesnot in compliance with the specified requirements.SAFETYDEVICES
suggesting the most suitable devices belonging toRADIO TRANSMITTERS AND CELLULAR
Lineaccessori Fiat, will also evaluate the overall electricTELEPHONES
absorption, checking whether the cars electric systemRadio transceiver equipment (e.g.: e-tacs mobile
is able to withstand the load required, or whether itphones, HAM radio systems and the like) shall not beCORRECT USEOF THE CAR
needs to be integrated with a more powerful battery.used inside the vehicle unless a separate aerial is
INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC/ mounted on the roof.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES IMPORTANT The use of similar devices inside theARNING
Electric/electronic devices installed after buying the carpassenger compartment (without separated aerial)WLIGHTS ANDMESSAGES
or in aftermarket shall bear the and marking:produces radio-frequency electromagnetic fields
which, amplified by the resonance effects inside the
passenger compartment, may cause electrical systemsIN AN
equipping the vehicle to malfunction. This couldEMERGENCY
Fiat Auto S.p.A. authorizes the installation ofcompromise safety in addition to constituting a
transceivers provided that installation is carried out atpotential hazard for the passengers.
a specialized shop, workmanlike performed and inIn addition, transmission and reception of these devicesCAR
compliance with manufacturer's specifications.may be affected by the shielding effect of the vehicleMAINTENANCE
IMPORTANT Installation of devices resulting inbody. As concerns EC-approved mobile phones (GSM,
modifications of car characteristics may cause drivingGPRS, UMTS), strictly comply with the instructions forTIONS
use provided by the mobile phones manufacturer.
WARNING Take care when fitting additional spoilers, alloy rims and non-standard wheel caps:
they might reduce ventilation of the brakes, thus their efficiency, during abrupt
and repeated braking, or long downhill slopes. Make sure that nothing (mats, etc.)
gets in the way of the pedals when they are pushed down. INDEX

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year of production from: 1999

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Fiat Punto II 2 owners manual
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