owners manual Ford Fiesta
owners manual Ford Fiesta - year of production: 2008 - Ford Fiesta VII 7 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Ford Fiesta, year of production 2008:
Fuel and Refueling
Filling the Tank Keep a record for at least one month and
For consistent results when filling the fuel record the type of driving (city or highway).
tank: This provides an accurate estimate of the
vehicle’s fuel economy under current
• Turn the ignition off before fueling; an driving conditions. Additionally, keeping
inaccurate reading results if the engine records during summer and winter show
is left running. how temperature impacts fuel economy.
• Use the same fill rate In general, lower temperatures mean lower
(low-medium-high) each time the tank fuel economy.
• Allow no more than two automatic
click-offs when filling. WARNINGS
Results are most accurate when the filling Do not park, idle, or drive your vehicle
method is consistent. in dry grass or other dry ground cover.
Calculating Fuel Economy The emission system heats up the
Do not measure fuel economy during the engine compartment and exhaust system,
first 1000 miles (1600 kilometers) of which can start a fire.
driving (this is your engine’s break-in Exhaust leaks may result in entry of
period); a more accurate measurement is harmful and potentially lethal fumes
obtained after 2000 miles - 3000 miles into the passenger compartment. If
(3200 kilometers - 4800 kilometers). Also, you smell exhaust fumes inside your
fuel expense, frequency of fill ups or fuel vehicle, have your dealer inspect your
gauge readings are not accurate ways to vehicle immediately. Do not drive if you
measure fuel economy. smell exhaust fumes.
1. Fill the fuel tank completely and record Your vehicle is equipped with various
the initial odometer reading. emission control components and a
2. Each time you fill the tank, record the catalytic converter which will enable your
amount of fuel added. vehicle to comply with applicable exhaust
3. After at least three to five tank fill ups, emission standards. To make sure that the
fill the fuel tank and record the current catalytic converter and other emission
odometer reading. control components continue to work
4. Subtract your initial odometer reading properly:
from the current odometer reading. To make sure that the catalytic converter
5. Calculate fuel economy by dividing and other emission control components
miles traveled by gallons used (For continue to work properly:
Metric: Multiply liters used by 100, then • Use only the specified fuel listed.
divide by kilometers traveled). • Avoid running out of fuel.
Fiesta (CCT)
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year of production from: 2008
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Ford Fiesta VII 7 owners manual
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