owners manual Skoda Fabia
owners manual Skoda Fabia - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Skoda Fabia II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Skoda Fabia, year of production 2007 - 2015:
It is particularly in town traffic, when one is accelerating quite often, that the ve-
Avoid short distances
hicle weight will have a significant effect upon the fuel consumption. A rule of
thumb here is that an increase in weight of Ėĕĕ kilograms will cause an increase
in fuel consumption of about Ė litre/Ėĕĕ kilometres.
Fig. ĖĖĘ
Principle sketch: Fuel consump-
At a speed of Ėĕĕ - Ėėĕ km/h, a vehicle fitted with a roof rack cross member with-
tion in l/Ėĕĕ km at different tem-
out a load will use about Ėĕ % more fuel than normal due to the increased aero-
dynamic drag.
Saving electricity
3hen the engine is running, the alternator generates and supplies electrical pow-
er. If more electrical components of the electrical system are switched on, more
Short distances result in an above-average high fuel consumption. 3e therefore
fuel is needed to operate the alternator. 3e therefore recommend switching off
recommend avoiding distances of less than ę km if the engine is cold. Ð
electrical components if these are no longer required.
A cold engine consumes the most fuel immediately after the start. Fuel consump-
tion drops to Ėĕ litres/Ėĕĕ km after just Ė kilometre. 0he consumption stabilises
once the engine and catalytic converter have reached their operating tempera-Environmental compatibility
Environmental protection has played a major role in the design, selection of mate-
An important factor in this connection is also the ambient temperature. 0he im-
rials and manufacture of your new ŠKODA. Particular emphasis has been placed
age » Fig. ĖĖĘ shows the different levels of fuel consumption after driving a cer-
on the following points:
tain distance at a temperature of +ėĕ °C and a temperature of -Ėĕ °C. 5our vehicle
has a higher fuel consumption in the winter than in the summer. Design measures
›Joints designed to be easily detached.
›Simplified disassembly due to the modular structure system.
Checking tyre inflation pressures Improved purity of different classes of materials.
›Identification of all plastic parts in accordance with 2DA Recommendation ėěĕ.
0yres which are correctly inflated save fuel.
›Reduced fuel consumption and exhaust emission CO .
›Minimum fuel leakage during accidents.
Always ensure the tyre inflation pressure is correct. 0he rolling resistance will be
›Reduced noise.
increased if the tyre filling pressure is too low. 0his will not only increase fuel con-
sumption but also tyre wear and the driving behaviour will worsen.
Choice of materials
Ð ›Extensive use of recyclable material.
Always check the tyre inflation pressure when the tyres are cold.
›Air conditioning filled with CFC-free refrigerant.
›No cadmium.
›No asbestos.
Avoid unnecessary ballast
›Reduction in the “vaporisation” of plastics.
0ransporting ballast costs fuel.
Each kilogramme of weight increases the fuel consumption. It is worth checking›Solvent-free cavity protection.
the boot to avoid transporting any unnecessary ballast. ›Solvent-free protection of the vehicle for transportation from the production
plant to the customer. £
Ėėę Driving 0ips
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year of production from: 2007
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manual Skoda Fabia Skoda Fabia II 2 owners manual
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