owners manual Saab 9-3
owners manual Saab 9-3 - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Saab 9 3 I 1 YS3D owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Saab 9-3, year of production 1998 - 2002:
126 OnStar - Telematics
Virtual Advisor Calling the Virtual AdvisorWeather
(expected availability fourth quarter 2000) The OnStar Virtual Advisor will deliver an
Once you have activated Personal Calling, 1 Press the OnStar will respond up-to-date weather forecast for the current
you can enjoy your time in your Saab even OnStar DOT ”Ready”location of the vehicle. The forecast
more with the OnStar Virtual Advisor. This button includes current temperature, daily
service allows you to listen to your favorite 2Say ”Virtual You will be connected high/low, tomorrow’s high/low, precipitation
news and information topics, such as Advisor”to Virtual Advisorforecast, and unusual conditions.
weather reports, stock quotes and sports Stock Quotes
scores. You can even listen to your e-mail, Getting Information from the Virtual The OnStar Virtual Advisor can provide you
whenever you want, without ever taking Advisor with current quotes for the stocks you have
your eyes off the road. Using simple voice The OnStar Virtual Advisor will prompt you specified in your customized profile as well
commands, you can browse your personal for information you desire. These offerings as other requested stocks. All market data
topics and skip or listen to those you will change to provide you with services and is delayed by twenty minutes. If you have
choose. You can also search for additional information that you and other subscribers not set your profile, you can still access the
information on special topics that interest want and need. The prompts are very clear stock quote feature through your default
you. and easy to understand and use.profile and then request the stock of your
To find out how to set up a customized pro-Information Availablechoice.
file, visit the OnStar Subscriber Website at OnStar will continue to add new features Sports Scores
www.onstar.com, or turn to the OnStar Sub-and categories to the Virtual Advisor. The The OnStar Virtual Advisor can provide you
scriber Website section on page 31 of this following general categories will give you an with scores for your favorite college and pro-
guide. If you do not have Internet access, overview of the types of information avail-fessional teams with up-to-the- minute high-
you can still take advantage of the OnStar able to you. For complete up-to-date cate-lights, even if they are being broadcast on a
Virtual Advisor services as a default profile gories, you can go to the Saab Cars USA, local station. See the team selection option
will be set up for you. Inc. Website at www.saabusa.com or the in your Mobile Profiler section of the sub-
OnStar Website at www.onstar.com, and scriber section of OnStar.com.
then click on the link to the Subscriber Web-If you have not set your profile or are still
site. using the default profile, you can access the
sports option of the Virtual Advisor and ask
for an update on your favorite sport. You
always have access to the options in the Vir-
tual Advisor.

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year of production from: 1998

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Saab 9 3 I 1 YS3D owners manual
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