owners manual Citroen C4
owners manual Citroen C4 - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Citroen C4 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C4, year of production 2004 - 2010:
D eactivation O verriding the programmed O perating fault
Either by pressing on the brake speed I f there is a malfunction, a message
pedal or on the clutch pedal. During the operation of cruise con-will display accompanied by an
Or by pressing button 3 . trol, it is always possible to use the audible signal and lighting of the
Or if either the ESP or the ASR accelerator to go faster than the service warning lamp.
system is active. cruise speed (for example to over- Have it checked by a CITROËN
The cruise control is not active if the take another vehicle). The speed dealer.
gear lever is in neutral. displayed in zone A fl ashes.
These actions cause the information You have only to release the acce-
"OFF" to appear on the instrument lerator pedal to return to the cruise
panel display. speed. Cruise control should only be used
These actions do not cancel the when the driving conditions allow
cruise speed which remains dis- you to drive at a constant speed.
played in the instrument panel. Do not use it in heavy traffi c, or on
If during the operation of cruise dangerous or slippery roads.
control, the system is unable to The driver must remain attentive
R eactivation keep within the memorised speed and in full control of his vehicle.
(for example on a steep descent), You are recommended to keep your
B y recall of the memorised then the speed fl ashes. Adapt your feet within range of the pedals.
speed speed as necessary. To avoid any risk of interfering with
After a disengagement, press on the pedals:
button 3 . Your vehicle automati-
cally returns to the memorised - check that the fl oor mat is cor-
cruise speed which is displayed rectly positioned,
in zone A . R eturn to normal driving - never use more than one fl oor IX
If the memorised cruise speed By an action on the control 1 from mat.
is higher than the current speed, position "REG" to position 0 .
the vehicle will accelerate to By the engine stopping.
reach the former. The cruise speed previously chosen
B y selection of the current is no longer memorised.
Press on button 2 or 4 once the
desired speed has been reached.
The information "OFF" will then
disappear from the instrument
panel display.
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year of production from: 2004
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Citroen C4 I 1 owners manual
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