owners manual Honda CR-V
owners manual Honda CR-V - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 - Honda CR V owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Honda CR-V, year of production 1995 - 2001:
Towing a Trailer
Your Honda is designed primarily toThe total weight of the trailer andThe combined weight of the car,
carry passengers and their cargo.everything loaded in it must notall passengers and their luggage,
You can use it to tow a trailer if youexceed 1,000 Ibs (450 kg).and tongue load must not exceed
carefully observe some general rules. the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating.
The "tongue load" should neverThe GVWR is printed on the
exceed 110 lbs (50 kg). This is theCertification label attached to the
amount of weight the trailer putsdriver's doorjamb (see page 214 ).
on the hitch when it is fullyloaded.
As a rule of thumb, the tongueThe combined weight of the car,
load should be 10 percent of theall passengers and their luggage,
total trailer package. For example,and tongue load also must not
if the trailer and its load weigh 500exceed the Gross Axle Weight
Ibs (225 kg), the tongue load Rating. The GAWR is also shown
should be 50 Ibs (22.5 kg). Adjuston the Certification label. It tells
the trailer's cargo to change theyou the maximum load for the
tongue load. Start by putting front and rear axles. It is possible
approximately 60 percent of thethat your towing package does not
cargo toward the front and 40 exceed the GVWR but does
percent toward the rear. Neverexceed the GAWR. Improper
load the trailer so the back istrailer loading, and/or too much
heavier than the front. This takesluggage in the cargo area can
weight off your car's rear axle andoverload the rear axle. Redis
reduces traction. tribute the load and check the axle
weights again.
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year of production from: 1995
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