owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
push the memory switch 1 or 2 fully for atSelecting the memorized position
least 1 second. 1. Set the automatic transmission selector lever
The indicator light for the pushed memoryto the P (Park) position.
switch will come on and stay on for approxi-2. Turn the ignition ON.
mately 5 seconds after pushing the switch.
After the indicator light goes off, the selected3. Push the memory switch 1 or 2 fully for at
positions are stored in the selected memoryleast 1 second.
(1 or 2). The driver’s seat will move to the memorized
Ifmemory is stored in the same memoryposition with the indicator light flashing, and
switch, the previous memory will be deleted.then the light will stay on for approximately 5
Confirming memory storage seconds.
Turn the ignition ON and push the SETWhenthe memory switch 1 or 2 is pushed with
SPA1164 the driver’s door open and then the key inserted
switch. If the main memory has not beeninto the ignition switch within approximately 1
drive positioner memory. Follow these proce-stored, the indicator light will come on forminute, the driver’s seat will move to the memo-
dures to use the memory system. approximately0.5seconds.When therized position.
1. Set the automatic transmission selector levermemoryhasstoredtheposition, the indicator
to the P (Park) position. light will stay on for approximately 5 seconds.System operation
2. Turn the ignition ON. If the battery cable is disconnected, or if theThe automatic drive positioner system will not
3. Adjust the driver’s seat to the desired posi-fuse blows, the memory will be canceled. Inwork or will stop operating under the following
tions by manually operating each adjustingsuch a case, reset the desired positionsconditions:
switch.Foradditionalinformation,seeusing the following procedures. when the vehicle speed is above 4 MPH (7
“Seats” in the “1. Seats, restraints and1. Open and close the driver’s door more thankm/h).
supplemental air bag systems” section.two times with the ignition key in the LOCK when any two or more of the memory
During this step, do not turn the ignition toposition. switches are simultaneously pushed while
any positions other than ON. 2. Reset the desired position using the previousthe automatic drive positioner is operating.
4. Push the SET switch and, within 5 seconds,procedure. when the adjusting switch for the driver’s
3-18 Pre-driving checks and adjustments

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year of production from: 1996

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