owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2000 - 2006:
● The SET indicator light may blink when theCAUTION To cancel the preset speed, use one of the
cruise control main switch is turned ON while following three methods.
pushing the RES/ACCEL, SET/COAST, orOn manual transmission models, do not● Push the CANCEL button; the SET indicator
CANCEL switch (located on the steeringshift into N (Neutral) without depressinglight in the instrument panel goes out.
wheel). To properly set the cruise control sys-theclutchpedalwhenthecruisecontrolis
tem, use the following procedures.set. Should this occur, depress the clutch● Tap the brake pedal; the SET indicator light
pedal and turn the main switch off imme-goes out.
WARNING diately. Failure to do so may causeengine
damage. ● Turn the main switch off. Both the CRUISE
DonotusethecruisecontrolwhendrivingCRUISECONTROLOPERATIONSindicator light and SET indicator light in the
under the following conditions: instrument panel go out.
● When it is not possible to keep theThe cruise control allows driving at a speed be-Thecruisecontrol is automatically cancelled and
vehicle at a set speed. tween 25 - 90 MPH (40 - 144 km/h) withoutthe SET light in the instrument panel goes out if:
● Inheavytrafficorintrafficthatvariesinkeeping your foot on the accelerator pedal.
speed. To turn on the cruise control, push the main● youdepressthebrakepedalwhilepushingthe
switch. The CRUISE indicator light in the instru-ACCEL/RESorSET/COASTswitch.Thepre-
● Onwindingorhilly roads. ment panel comes on. set speed is deleted from memory.
● Onslipperyroads(rain,snow,ice,etc.).Tosetcruisingspeed,acceleratethevehicleto● the vehicle slows down more than 8 MPH (13
● In very windy areas. thedesiredspeed,pushtheSET/COASTswitchkm/h) below the set speed.
Doing so could cause a loss of vehicleand release it. The SET indicator light in the● you depress the clutch pedal (manual trans-
control and result in an accident.instrumentpanelcomeson.Takeyourfootoffthemission), or move the shift selector lever to N
accelerator pedal. Your vehicle maintains the set(Neutral) (automatic transmission).
● To pass another vehicle, depress the ac-To reset at a faster cruising speed, use one
celerator pedal. When you release the pedal,of the following three methods.
thevehiclereturnstothepreviouslysetspeed.● Depress the accelerator pedal. When the ve-
● The vehicle may not maintain the set speedhicle attains the desired speed, push and re-
when going up or down steep hills. If thislease the SET/COAST switch.
happens, drive without the cruise control.
5-14 Starting and driving
ZREVIEWCOPY:—2003Sentra (b15)
Owners Manual (owners) —USA English (nna)

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year of production from: 2000

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