owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
2-26 Keysanddoors/Alarm system
&Tripped sensor identification&Shocksensors (dealer op-
The security indicator light flashes whention)
the alarm system has been triggered.The shock sensors trigger the alarm
Also, the number of flashes indicates thesystem when they sense impacts applied
location of unauthorized intrusion or theto the vehicle and when any of their
severity of impact on the vehicle.electric wires are cut. The alarm system
When the ignition switch is turned to thecauses the horn to sound and the hazard
“ON” position, the indicator light will lightwarning flashers to flash for a short time
for 1 second and then flash as follows.when the sensed impact is weak, but it
. Whenadoororreargate was opened:warns of a strong impact or multiple
5 times impacts by sounding the horn and flashing
the hazard warning flashers, both lasting
. When a strong impact or multiple approximately 30 seconds.
4. Beforeclosing the doors, lock all doorsimpacts were sensed: twice (only modelsIf you desire, your SUBARU dealer can
with the inside door lock levers.with shock sensors (dealer option))connect them and set them for activation
5. Close the doors. The system will. Whenalight impact was sensed: onceor deactivation.
automatically arm after 1 minute.(only models with shock sensors (dealer
option)) NOTE
In the passive mode, the system can also . The shock sensors are not always
be armed with the remote transmitter orNOTE abletosenseimpactscausedbybreak-
with the power door locking switches. IfAny of the above indicator light flash-ing in, and cannot sense an impact that
the remote transmitter or power doorings will recur each time the ignitiondoes not cause vibration (such as
locking switch is used to lock the vehicle,switch is turned to the “ON” position.breaking the glass using a rescue
arming will take place immediately regard-Rearmingthealarmsystemcancelsthehammer).
less of whether or not the passive modeflashing The shock sensors may sense vi-
has been selected. bration as indicated in the following
! Disarming the system examplesandtriggerthealarmsystem.
To disarm the system, briefly press the Select the settings of the alarm system
disarm button on the remote transmitter. and shock sensors appropriately de-
pending on where you usually park
your vehicle.

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year of production from: 2012

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