owners manual Volvo S90
owners manual Volvo S90 - year of production: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 - Volvo S90 V90 960 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo S90, year of production 1990 - 1998:
1998 Volvo S90
extreme operating conditions such as trailer
towing in sustained ambient temperatures over
104° F (40° C). However, SAE 10W-30 synthetic American Petroleum Institute
oil would be a better alternative in such (API) labels. These labels certify
conditions. the oil conforms to the applicable
SAE 15W-40 should not be used under normal standards and specifications of
operating conditions. the API.
Servicing pg. 110
Torque exhaust and Fuel system cap, tank WARNING!
intake manifold nuts and lines, and The distributor ignition
connections system operates at very high
A loose manifold could alter air/ voltages. Special safety
fuel ratio and cause an increase The effectiveness of the fuel precautions must be followed
in emissions and/or poor system to contain hydrocarbons to prevent injury.
driveability. is dependent largely on a Always turn the ignition off
leakfree system. Check for when:
Air cleaner proper sealing of gasoline filler
cap which contains "O" ring- ● Replacing distributor
Replace the air cleaner cartridge type seals. Check all ignition components e.g.
with a new one every 30,000 evaporative hoses in vehicle for plugs, coil, etc.
miles (48,000 km). The tightness. Check fuel lines under ● Do not touch any part of
cartridge should be replaced vehicle and repair if necessary. the distributor ignition system
more often when driving under while the engine is running.
dirty and dusty conditions, The Fuel (line) filter This may result in unintended
filter cannot be cleaned and, movements and body injury.
therefore, should always be The fuel line filter is located
replaced with a new one. next to the fuel pump. This filter
should be replaced every
Vacuum fittings, hoses 100,000 miles (160,000 km).
and connections The filter is replaced as one Replacing spark plugs
complete unit.
Unstable idle, misfiring, or poor Replace more frequently if The spark plugs should be
emission control is often caused contaminated fuel is introduced changed every 30,000 miles
by leaking vacuum hoses or into the tank (or if there is (48,000 km). However, city
connections. Check hoses and reason to suspect that this has driving or fast highway driving
connections on distributor occurred). may necessitate changing after
vacuum unit, connections on 15,000 miles (24,000 km) of
heater control servo systems and Timing belt driving. When installing new
hydraulic brake servo. plugs, be sure to fit the right type
file:///K|/ownersdocs/1998/1998_SV90/98S90_108.htm (3 of 6)12/30/2006 1:52:49 PM

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year of production from: 1990

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Volvo S90 V90 960 owners manual
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