owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Control systems
Safety precautions Warning! G Operating options
iThe components and operating principles of
Warning! G Never operate radio transmitters equipped COMAND can be found on ( page 81) and
with a built-in or attached antenna (i.e. with-page89).
Some jurisdictions prohibit the driver from out being connected to an external antenna) iVarious mobile phone cradles can be in-
using a cellular telephone while driving. from inside the vehicle while the engine is stalled in the front center armrest, see separate
Whether or not prohibited by law, for safety running. Doing so could lead to a malfunc-installation instructions for the mobile phone
reasons, the driver should not use the cellu-tion of the vehicle’s electronic system, pos-cradle. These mobile phone cradles can be ob-
lar telephone while the vehicle is in motion. sibly resulting in an accident and/or tained from an authorized Mercedes-Benz Cen-
Stop the vehicle in a safe location before personal injury. ter. For more information about telephone
placing or answering a call.
If you nonetheless choose to use the mobile General notes When the mobile phone is inserted in the
phone1 while driving, please use the hands- cradle, you can operate the telephone us-
free feature and be sure to pay attention to ing the following devices:
the traffic situation at all times. Use the mo-Calls disconnected while the vehicle is mobile phone keypad
bile phone only when road, weather and traf-in motion
A call may be disconnected if: COMAND telephone keypad
fic conditions permit. Otherwise, you may buttonss andt on the multi-
not be able to observe traffic conditions and there is insufficient network coveragefunction steering wheel ( page 257)
could endanger yourself and others. you move from one transmitter/receiv-
Bear in mind that at a speed of just 30 mph er area (cell) into another and no chan- Voice Control ( page 278)
(approximately 50 km/h), your vehicle is ®
nels are free or the cell is full Bluetooth headset ( page 136)
covering a distance of 44 feet (approxima-
tely 14 m) every second.
1 Observe all legal requirements.

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year of production from: 2006

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