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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW 3 E46, year of production 1998 - 2007:
General driving notes Antilock Brake System (ABS) 121
Brakes: do not rest your foot on The concept Do not reduce the pressure exerted
the brake pedal while driving. ABS keeps the wheels from locking against the brake pedal until the brak-
Even light but consistent pedal pres-during braking, thereby enhancing ing maneuver has been completed.
sure can lead to high temperatures, active driving safety.DBC is deactivated when you release
brake wear and possibly even brake the brake pedal. Overview
failure. Braking with ABS
Hydroplaning: when driving on wet or Cornering Brake Control (CBC)
slushy roads, reduce road speed. If you If you are in a situation that requires full CBC is an advanced engineering
do not, a wedge of water can form braking, you will exploit the full benefits design of the ABS. When braking while
between tires and road surface. This of the ABS system if you apply maxi-cornering at high speed or braking dur-
phenomenon can lead to partial or mum pedal pressure – panic stop. ing high lateral acceleration, or when Controls
complete loss of contact between the Since the vehicle maintains steering braking during a lane change, vehicle
tires and road surface, as well as loss of responsiveness, you can avoid possible stability is improved and steering
vehicle control and braking ability.obstacles with a minimum of steering response is enhanced.
Driving through water: do not drive effort, despite the full brake application.
through water on the road if it is deeper Pulsation at the brake pedal combined Maintenance
than 1 ft/30 cm, and then only at walk-with sounds from the hydraulic circuits
ing speed. Otherwise, the vehicle's indicates to the driver that ABS is in its
engine, the electrical systems and the active mode.
transmission may be damaged.
Rear parcel tray: never use it to store Dynamic Brake Control (DBC)
heavy or hard objects; otherwise, occu- DBC is included in the DSC, refer to Repairs
pants could be injured if the vehicle is page 87.
braked hard. The system responds to sudden, high-
Clothes hooks: when hanging clothing intensity applications of force to the
from the hooks, be sure that they will brake pedal by automatically braking
not obstruct the driver's vision. Do not the vehicle with maximum boost to Data
hang heavy objects on the hooks. If you achieve the shortest possible braking
do so, they could cause personal injury distances during panic stops. This sys-
during braking or evasive maneuvers.
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year of production from: 1998
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BMW E46 owners manual
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