owners manual Toyota Rav4
owners manual Toyota Rav4 - year of production: 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 - Toyota Rav4 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Rav4, year of production 1994 - 2000:
PROG (Program) Compact disc auto changer only—Repeating a disc:
Push ”PROG” to select the other side ofTo randomly play all the tracks in thePush and hold ”RPT” until you hear a
a cassette tape. The display indicates beep. ”D·RPT” will appear on the display.
magazine: The player will repeat all the tracks on the
which side is currently selected (” ” indi-Push and hold ”RAND” until you hear a
cates top side, ” in”dicates bottombeep. ”D·RAND” will appear on the displaydisc you are listening to. When the disc
side). and the player will perform all the tracksends, the player will automatically go back
on all the discs in the magazine in ran-to the top track of the disc and replay.
Auto−reverse feature: After the cassettedom order. To turn off the random feature,This process will be continued until you
player reaches the end of a tape side, itpush ”RAND” a second time.push the button again to turn off the re-
automatically reverses and begins to playRPT (Repeat) peat feature.
the other side. This is true whether the SCAN
cassette was playing or fast forwarding. There are two repeat features—you can Radio
RAND (Random) either replay a disc track or a whole com-
There are two random features—you canpact disc. You can either scan all the frequencies on
Repeating a track: a band or scan only the preset stations
either listen to the tracks on all the com- for that band.
pact discs in the magazine in random or-Quickly push and release ”RPT” while the
track is playing. ”RPT” will appear on theTo scan all the frequencies:
der, or only listen to the tracks on a
specific compact disc in random order.display. If you hear a beep, you held theQuickly push and release ”SCAN”. If you
To randomly play the tracks on a disc: button too long, and the player will repeat hear a beep, you held the button too long,
Quickly push and release ”RAND”. ”RAND” the whole disc. When the track ends, itand the radio will scan the preset sta-
will automatically be replayed. This pro-
will appear on the display. The disc you tions. The radio will find the next station
are listening to will play in random order.cess will be continued until you push theup the station band, stay there for a few
If you hear a beep, you held the button button again to turn off the repeat feature. seconds, and then scan again. To select
too long, and the player will play all the Compact disc auto changer only—a station, push ”SCAN” a second time.
tracks in the magazine in random order. To scan the preset stations:
To turn off the random feature, push the Push and hold ”SCAN” until you hear a
”RAND” a second time. beep. The radio will tune in the next pres-
et station up the band, stay there for a
few seconds, and then move to the next
preset station. To select a station, push
”SCAN” a second time.
2000 RAV4 (OM42479U) 113
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year of production from: 1994
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