owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
|| "Turn on seat ventilation"/"Turn off seat Voice recognition and map "Go to [Post code]" - Specifies a post
• •
ventilation" - activates/deactivates the seat 15 code as a destination. Example "Drive to 1 2
ventilation*. Several navigation system functions can be acti- 3 4 5".
"Raise seat ventilation"/"Lower seat vated with voice commands. Go to [contact]" - Specifies an address
• •
ventilation" - raises/lowers the setting for from the phone book as a destination. Exam-
the ventilated seat* one step. Tap on and say one of the following com- ple "Drive to Robyn Smith".
mands: "Search [POI category]" - Searches for
Related information •
“Navigation” - Initiates a navigation dialogue adjacent points of interest (POI) within a cer-
Voice recognition (p. 113) •
• and shows examples of commands. 16
tain category (e.g. restaurants). To have the
Using voice recognition (p. 114)
• "Take me home" - Guidance is given to the list sorted along the route - say "Along the
Settings for voice recognition (p. 115) • route" when the results list is shown.
• Home position.
Climate control (p. 176) "Search [POI category] in [City]" -
• "Go to [City]" - Specifies a city as a desti- •
• Searches for points of interest (POI) within a
nation. Example "Drive to London". certain category and city. The results list is
"Go to [Address]" - Specifies an address
• sorted according to the citys centre point.
as a destination. An address must contain Example "Search for restaurant in London".
city and street. Example "Drive to 5 King "Search [POI name]". Example "Search
Street". •
"Add intersection" - Starts a dialogue Hyde Park".
• 17, 18
where two streets must be specified. The • "Change country/Change state " -
intersection point of the specified streets Changes the search area for navigation.
then becomes the destination. "Show favourites" - Shows favourited posi-
tions in the driver display.
"Clear itinerary" - Erases all the stored
intermediate destinations and final destina-
tion in an itinerary.
15 Applies to certain markets.
16 The user has the option of calling the POI or specifying it as a destination.
17 In European countries, “Country” is used instead of “State”.
18 For Brazil and India, the search area is changed via the centre display.
118 * Option/accessory.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual
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