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owners manual Land Rover Range Rover

owners manual Land Rover Range Rover - year of production: 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Land Rover Range Rover II 2 P38A owners manual EN

Document: pdf (1.74 MB) 201 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Land Rover Range Rover, year of production 1994 - 2002:
Locks & alarm Your vehicle is fitted with a sophisticatedIMPORTANTINFORMATION electronic anti-theft alarm and engineEmergencykeys immobilisation system. In order to ensureIn addition to the two handsets, you have maximumsecurity,you are advisedto gain aalso been supplied with two separate full understanding of the system bykeys. These keys perform the same thoroughly reading this section of thefunctions as the key part of the handset handbook. and are intended for emergency use only. LOCKINGTHEVEHICLEANDARMINGTHEDONOTkeepthekeysinsidethevehicle. ALARM Youhavebeensuppliedwithtwo handset/keys(numbered1 and 2). While both are identical in operation, they transmit two different sets of information (see ’Lazy seats’). Replacementhandsetsare only availablefrom a Land Rover dealer. Up to two further handsets (3 and 4) can also be obtained. There are four methods for securing your vehicle: 1. ’Superlocking’ using the handset - (recommendedhighsecuritymethod). 2. ’Superlocking’ using the key. 3. Locking using the handset. 4. Locking using the key. FORMAXIMUMSECURITY,ALWAYS ’SUPERLOCK’THEVEHICLEUSINGTHE HANDSET (except when the vehicle is to be locked with passengersor animals inside). The handset The radio remote handset has three buttons. Bypressingthe appropriate button, the handset can be used either as a conventional key, or as a remote handset to either lock or ’superlock’ the vehicle. 10
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year of production from: 1994

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Land Rover Range Rover II 2 P38A owners manual
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Land Rover Range Rover II 2 P38A owners manual
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