owners manual Mazda CX-3
owners manual Mazda CX-3 - year of production: 2015 - Mazda CX 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mazda CX-3, year of production 2015:
Before Driving
Security System
NOTE Arming
The system is armed when the ignition is
The keys carry a unique electronic switched from ON to off.
code. For this reason, and to assure The security indicator light in the
your safety, obtaining a replacement instrument cluster fl ashes every 2 seconds
key requires some waiting time. until the system is disarmed.
They are only available through an
Authorised Mazda Repairer.
Always keep a spare key in case one
is lost. If a key is lost, consult an
Authorised Mazda Repairer as soon
as possible. Disarming
If you lose a key, an Authorised
Mazda Repairer will reset the The system is disarmed when the
electronic codes of your remaining ignition is switched ON with the correct
keys and immobilizer system. programmed key. The security indicator
Bring all the remaining keys to an light illuminates for about 3 seconds and
Authorised Mazda Repairer to reset. then turns off. If the engine does not start
with the correct key, and the security
Starting the vehicle with a key that
has not been reset is not possible. indicator light remains illuminated or
fl ashing, try the following:
Make sure the key is within the
Operation operational range for signal transmission.
Switch the ignition off, and then restart
NOTE the engine. If the engine does not start
after 3 or more tries, contact an Authorised
Mazda Repairer.
The engine may not start and security
indicator light may illuminate or NOTE
fl ash if the key is placed in an area
where it is diffi cult for the system
If the security indicator light fl ashes
to detect the signal, such as on the continuously while you are driving,
instrument panel or in the glove do not shut off the engine. Go to an
compartment. Move the key to a Authorised Mazda Repairer and have
location within the signal range, it checked. If the engine is shut off
switch the ignition off, and then while the indicator light is fl ashing,
restart the engine. you will not be able to restart it.
Signals from a TV or radio station, Because the electronic codes are
or from a transceiver or mobile reset when the immobilizer system
telephone could interfere with your is repaired, the keys are needed.
immobilizer system. If you are using Make sure to bring all the keys to an
the proper key and the engine fails Authorised Mazda Repairer so that
to start, check the security indicator they can be programmed.
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Mazda CX 3 owners manual
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Mazda CX 3 owners manual
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